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时间:2020-11-24 21:33来源:毕业论文

摘要设计了系列应用于于高硬度、高浓缩倍数循环冷却水系统基于ATMP-AA/ AMPS-BTA和HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA的缓蚀阻垢剂配方。采用旋转挂片法和鼓泡法评价了开发的水处理药剂缓蚀阻垢性能。配方ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA系列缓蚀剂的缓蚀性能优于HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA系列,但阻垢性能基本相当。当循环水浓缩倍数在10~15倍时,ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA系列的HZ-01的最佳投加量为200mg/L,此时对A3碳钢的腐蚀率为0.0016mm/a,大大优于国家循环水处理规范要求 (<0.075mm/a);调整AA/AMPS浓度后,阻垢率达到88%。通过验证实验可知,配方HZ-01对海水和高硬度、高浓缩倍数的实际循环冷却水也有优异的缓蚀效果。59864

关键词  高硬度  高浓缩倍数  ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA  HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA 


Title    Study on the corrosion and scale inhibitor for the   recirculating cooling water treatment with high  hardness,under the times of cycle of concentration                                 

Abstract A series of corrosion and scale inhibitors based on ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA and HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA were successfully developed for the recirculating cooling water system under the high hardness and large cycles of concentrations. The corrosion and scaling inhibition performance were evaluated by Rotation specimen test and Bubbling method, respectively. The results showed that ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA based chemicals displayed higher corrosion inhibition capacity than HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA ones, while the similar scaling inhibition with them. Using the HZ-07 based ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA at the dosage of 200 mg/L and under 20 times of cycle of concentration, the corrosion rate was only 0.0016 mm/a for A3 steel, which was much better than the requirement of the State Standard (<0.075 mm/a). The ATMP-AA/AMPS chemicals reached 88% scaling inhibiting rate. For the actual recirculating cooling water with 10 times of cycle of concentration and sea water with 2 times of cycle of concentration, HZ-01 also showed excellent corrosion inhibiting performance. 

Keywords  high hardness  large times of cycle of concentration      ATMP-AA/AMPS-BTA   HEDP-AA/AMPS-BTA

目  次                    

1  绪论 1

1.1  缓蚀阻垢剂背景 1

1.2  循环冷却水系统 1

1.3  缓蚀阻垢剂的机理 4

1.4  缓蚀阻垢剂主要类型 5

1.5  常用的缓蚀剂和阻垢剂 6

1.6  本课题的研究内容及目标 8

2  实验部分 9

2.1  缓蚀性能研究(旋转挂片法) 9

2.2  阻垢性能研究(鼓泡法) 13

2.3  配方HZ-01在浓缩10倍的自来水中的缓蚀性能研究 17

2.4  配方HZ-01在海水中的缓蚀性能研究 17

3  实验结果和分析 18

3.1  模拟水中水处理剂的缓蚀性能 18

3.2  模拟水中水处理剂的阻垢性能 22

3.3  配方HZ-01在浓缩10倍自来水中的缓蚀性能测试 25

3.4  配方HZ-01在海水中的缓蚀性能的测试 高硬度高浓缩倍数条件下循环冷却水缓蚀阻垢处理研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_65206.html
