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时间:2021-08-01 10:05来源:毕业论文


关键词: 芳香皮革防霉;防霉抑菌;精油;流变特性;感官评价

Study on Rheological Properties of Aromatic Leather Anti-mildew Agent

Abstract: In this paper, maltodextrin, gum arabic and pure plastic were used as wall materials and pepper mint as core materials. Pepper-like peppermint oil microcapsules were prepared by encapsulation and prepared by adding it to leather mold Antiseptic. The viscosity, elasticity, yield stress, temperature and time stability of aromatic leather mildew were studied by steady-state rheological experiments, dynamic rheological experiments, temperature cycling, yield stress experiments and time stability experiments. The sensory test was used to evaluate the performance of the antifungal antifungal agent. Then, the antifungal effect of the peppermint essential oil was studied by the experiment of the inhibition zone, and the optimum formula was determined to obtain the antiplifying effect. When the amount of maltodextrin is 18%, the amount of acacia is 1%, the amount of pure glue is 2.8%, and the amount of essential oil is 7% ,the aromatic leather mold preparation has the advantages of shear thinning, good temperature and time stability. The microcapsules prepared under the optimal formulation had a particle size of about 4.3mm. According to the test of bacteriostatic ring, when the amount of essential oil was 7%, the inhibition range of its Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus flavus was 6.7mm, 4.4mm, 3.7mm, which had bacteriostasis effect on three kinds of bacteria.

KeyWords:  Aromatic leather mildew; Mildew resistance; Essential oil; Rheological; Sensory test


1. 绪论 1

1.1 皮革防霉剂的研究现状 1

1.1.1 合成防霉剂 1

1.1.2 天然防霉剂 2

1.2 微胶囊技术 2

1.3 微胶囊的制备方法 3

1.3.1喷雾干燥法 3

1.3.2包结络合法 3

1.3.3挤压法 3

1.3.4水相分离法 3

1.4 流变学的作用 4

1.5 流变学在精油微胶囊中的应用 4

1.6 流变学与感官评价 5

1.7 芳香皮革防霉剂的制备目的及意义 芳香皮革防霉剂的流变性研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_79221.html
