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时间:2021-08-01 10:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字: 双黄连胶囊;绿原酸;固相萃取;核磁共振

Determination of chlorogenic acid in traditional Chinese medicine by solid phase extraction - quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy     

Abstract: Purpose:Chlorogenic acid has antibacterial and detoxification effects in many Chinese herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine compound preparation. In recent years, both domestic and foreign have developed rapidly on the study of its pharmacology, and research about its biological activity has been deep into the medical, food , daily necessities or other aspects. Therefore, in this topic as the research object of Shuanghuanglian capsule,determination of effective components in Shuanghuanglian capsule on content of Chlorogenic acid by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.Method:sample preparation:sample pretreatment:take 0.4g Shuanghuanglian capsule powder in brown volumetric flask and add 25mLwater to dissolve, ultrasonic 20 minutes after the cooling filter, with HC-C18 SPE column on the extract after the impurity, with the determination of Chlorogenic Acid by Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.Nuclear magnetic quantification: select deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide as deuterated solvent , select the amount of terephthalaldehyde as the internal standard, and calibrated with the reference reagent potassium hydrogen phthalate.Results:the extraction of chlorogenic acid from Shuanghuanglian capsule by solid phase extraction can be used in the study of Shuanghuanglian capsule. The peak of chlorogenic acid can be seen by the nuclear magnetic spectrum in Shuanghuanglian capsule. But the concentration of Shuanghuanglian capsule is not enough,the purpose of enrichment is poor, so the sample pretreatment of Shuanghuanglian capsule should be further optimized.Conclusion: the method is simple to operate, the pretreatment process of the sample is the key,so the preparation of Shuanglanglian capsule sample need to be further explored.

KEY WORDS:Shuanghuanglian capsule;chlorogenic acid;solid phase extraction;nuclear magnetic resonance


1 前言 1

1.1 选题意义 1

1.2 固相萃取的概要 1

1.2.1 固相萃取技术的基本原理 1

1.2.2 固相萃取的类型 1

1.2.3 固相萃取的操作步骤 2

1.2.4 影响固相萃取柱的因素 2 中成药中绿原酸的固相萃取-定量核磁共振波谱分析:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_79222.html
