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时间:2021-12-25 15:54来源:毕业论文

摘要本文以季铵化壳聚糖(HTCC)为聚电解质阳离子层,采用改良的 Hummer’s 方法制备的氧化石墨烯(GO)作为聚电解质阴离子层,利用层层 自组装的方法制备(HTCC/GO)nHTCC 复合纳滤膜。测试复合纳滤膜的纯 水渗透系数和截留分子量,探讨无机盐的截留效果和操作条件对分离性能的 影响。76149

复合纳滤膜的最佳条件:HTCC 质量浓度为 5。0 g/L,GO 质量浓度为 0。75 g/L,交联剂 ECH 质量浓度为 2%,KOH 加入量为 0。4g/50 mL 乙醇,交联反 应时间为 21 h。复合膜的性能评价结果显示:复合膜有很好的亲水性。复合 膜的纯水渗透系数为 24。02 L·m-2·h-1,截留分子量为 1568Da,属于纳滤膜的 范畴。无机盐溶液的截留顺序为 MgCl2>NaCl>KCl>Na2SO4>K2SO4。此外, 增加料液流量,对截盐效果影响不大,而料液的浓度会对截留率产生一定的 影响,随着浓度的升高截留率降低。

毕业论文关键词 HTCC、GO、层层自组装、复合纳滤膜、脱盐性能

Title Study on desalination performance of graphene oxide/quaternary ammonium chitosan composite membrane。




Abstract In this paper, we adopted layer-by -layer self preparation to prepare (HTCC/GO)nHTCC composite nanofiltration membrane by using the quaternary ammonium salt of chitosan (HTCC) as polycation electrolyte layer and using a modified Hummer 's method for the preparation of graphene oxide (GO) as polyanion electrolyte layer。 Some ways were used to characterize the pure water permeability coefficient and the molecular weight of the composite nanofiltration membrane。 The effects of the inorganic salts and the operating conditions on the separation performance were investigated。

Optimal conditions for composite nanofiltration membranes: concentration of HTCC is 5。0 g/L,the concentration of GO is 1。0 g/L,The mass concentration of the crosslinking agent ECH is 2%,KOH is added to 0。4g/50 ml ethanol and crosslinking reaction time is 21h。 Composite membrane performance evaluation results show that  the composite film  have good  hydrophilicity。The pure   water

permeability coefficient  of the composite membrane is  24。02L·m-2·h-1  and    the

molecular weight of the composite membrane is 1568Da, belonging to the nanofiltration membrane category。 The retention order of inorganic salt solution in the experiment was MgCl2>NaCl>KCl>Na2SO4>K2SO4。In addition,under the low salt concentration,increasing the flow rate of the feed liquid will not have too much influence on the cutting effect。But The concentration of the feed liquid will have   a   certain   impact   on   the   rejection   rate,with   the   increase   of     the concentration ,the interception rate will decrease。


Keywords HTCC, graphene oxide, layer-by-layer self-assembly, positively charged composite NF membrane, desalination performance


1 绪论 1

1。1 纳滤膜简介 1

1。2 纳滤膜的特征 1

1。3 纳滤膜的制备技术 2

1。3。1 界面聚合法 2

1。3。2 氧化石墨烯/季铵化壳聚糖复合膜脱盐性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_87276.html
