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时间:2023-03-29 22:02来源:毕业论文

摘 要数学史作为数学的重要部分,渗透进入小学数学教材符合素质教育和《小学数学课程标准》的要求,也是时下学科整合的方式之一,因此受到数学教育界越来越多的关注。的确,数学史内容能够激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们更好地理解数学知识,提高数学素养,对学生数学的学习也意义非凡。新人教版(2013年版)小学数学教材紧跟时代步伐,对数学史内容进行了一定程度的渗透。小学数学一线教师和小学生均对此表示了认同。但研究发现,其中还存在着以下问题——各领域、各年级、不同模式、过程和结果以及“正面”和“负面”史料上存在明显的失衡现象。通过分析背后的原因,提出以下建议:提高数学教师和编者的数学史素养;开发数学史读本,完善教材中的内容;。强调渗透内容的有效性;注意展示真实的历史等。88085


Abstract: The history of mathematics, as an important part of mathematics, to penetrate into mathematics textbooks for primary schools in line with the requirements of quality education and the elementary school mathematics curriculum standard ", and also one way of the integration of disciplines nowadays。 So it is receiving more and more attention from Mathematics education circle。 Indeed, the content of the history of Mathematics can stimulate the learning interest of students, help them understand mathematical knowledge better and improve the mathematical literacy of them, etc。 New edition (2013 Edition) primary school mathematics textbooks keep up with the pace of the times。 It developed a certain degree of penetration of the content of the history of mathematics。 Mathematics teachers and students of primary school have expressed their recognition of it。 But the study found that there are the following problems: in the different areas, grades, models, the knowledge of the processes and results, as well as the "positive" and "negative" historical data, there is an obvious imbalance。 Through the analysis of the reasons behind, put forward the following recommendations: Improve mathematics teachers and editors of the history of mathematics literacy; Develop textbooks of history of mathematics to improve the content of teaching materials; Emphasize the effectiveness of the content of the infiltration; Pay attention to show the true history。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Keyword: Primary school mathematics textbooks of the people's Education Press; The history of Mathematics; Infiltration of content

目录From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766 

前言 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 相关概念界定 1

1。2。1 数学史 1

1。2。2 数学史的渗透 1

2 小学数学教材渗透数学史的原因 2

2。1 现实要求 2

2。1。1 素质教育对提高小学生文化素养的要求 2

2。1。2 《课程标准》对数学文化融入数学教材的建议 2

2。1。3 学科整合热潮下的推动作用 人教版2013年版小学数学教材中数学史的渗透研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_154034.html
