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时间:2023-04-01 21:45来源:毕业论文

摘要幼儿抗挫折能力是指忍受、抵抗和排解挫折的能力,包括挫折耐受力和挫折排解力,是幼儿适应环境不可缺少的一种生存能力。本研究采用问卷法和访谈法研究了幼儿抗挫折能力的发展特点和影响因素,研究结果表明:(1)幼儿的抗挫折能力存在显著的年龄差异,总体发展趋势随着幼儿年龄的增加而不断增强,发展并不是匀速的,而是呈现先慢后快的特点;(2)幼儿的抗挫折能力不存在显著的性别差异;(3)影响幼儿抗挫折能力的环境因素中的社会因素主要有教师教育观念与行为、家长教育观念与行为等方面;(4)影响幼儿抗挫折能力的个体因素分为心理因素和生理因素,心理因素包括认知水平的发展、能力的发展和情绪的发展,而生理因素主要体现在身体状况方面。并由此提出幼儿抗挫折能力的教育建议。  88134

Abstract Preschool children's resilience is meant to endure, resistance and relieve frustration ability, including ability to endure frustration and setbacks to relieve pressure is children adapt to the environment are indispensable to a survival ability。 This study adopts questionnaire method and interview method to study the development characteristics and influencing factors of preschool children's resilience。 The research results show that: (1) there are significant differences between the age of children's anti frustration ability, the overall development trend of increasing with the increase of age, the development is not uniform, but has the characteristics of slow fast; (2) children's anti frustration ability does not exist significant gender differences; (3) social factors influencing factors preschool children's resilience in the environment is mainly the concept of teacher education and behavior, parents' educational idea and behavior; (4) the inpidual factors affecting children's anti frustration ability is pided into psychological factors, and physiological factors, psychological factors including level of cognitive development and ability of development and emotional development, and physiological factors mainly reflected in the physical condition。 And it puts forward the suggestion on the education of the ability of anti frustration。

毕业论文关键词:抗挫折能力;发展特点;影响因素;教育建议源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Key words: anti frustration ability; development characteristics; influence factors; educational suggestions


一、问题的提出 1

二、研究设计 2

(一)研究目的 2

(二)研究对象 2

(三)研究方法 2

1。问卷调查法 2

2。访谈法 4

三、研究结果 4

(一)总体趋势分析 4

1。幼儿抗挫折能力的发展趋势 4

2。幼儿抗挫折能力年龄差异与性别差异 6

(二)幼儿抗挫折能力具体发展特点情况 12

1。幼儿抗挫折能力的年龄特点 12

2。幼儿抗挫折能力的性别差异不显著 16

四、幼儿抗挫折能力影响因素分析 17

(一)环境因素 18

1。教师的教育观念与教育行为 18
