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时间:2023-04-02 22:45来源:毕业论文

摘要随着近年来减负政策、素质教育的开展,闲暇也成为小学生生活的重要组成部分。小学 生的闲暇生活的质量高低,不仅影响着自身的身心健康和素质发展,甚至对社会的进步和发 展也产生直接且重要的影响。但是小学生普遍闲暇意识淡薄,没有形成科学的闲暇价值观。 因此,如何引导学生合理利用闲暇时间,选择有意义的闲暇生活方式,值得每一位教育者的 思考。本文对杭州市两所小学的小学生的闲暇生活现状进行调查,研究表明:小学生课业负 担重,自主享有闲暇时间不足;小学生对闲暇认识不足,缺乏对闲暇生活的合理规划;小学 生的闲暇生活单调贫乏,以看电视、上网为主;学校、家庭、社会对学生闲暇生活重视不够, 没有进行适当指导。最后从学校、家庭、社会及学生自身四方面探索有效度过闲暇生活的对策。88145


Abstract With the continuous development of releasing of students' burden of fundamental education and quality education , leisure becomes an important part of elementary students' life。The quality of elementary students' life not only affects their physical and mental health and quality of development, even is a direct effect on the development of society and progress。But elementary students commonly have less leisure consciousness, not form a scientific leisure values。Therefore, how to guide students to reasonable use of leisure time, choose meaningful leisure lifestyle, worth every educators to think。In this paper, the two primary school pupils of hangzhou leisure life present situation investigation, the study says students have heavier studying burden , autonomous leisure time is not enough;schoolstudents understanding of leisure is insufficient, lack of reasonable planning on leisure life;students' leisure life is dull and poor , mainly is TV and Internet;School, family, society to the student leisure life value is not enough, there is no proper guidance。Finally from four aspects for the school, family, society and students themselves to explore the reasonable utilization of the countermeasures of leisure。

Keywords: lementary school students; leisure; leisure life

录源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

一、问题的提出 1

二、相关概念的界定 2

(一)闲暇 2

(二)闲暇生活 2

三、相关研究 3

(一)国外研究 3

(二)国内研究 3

四、研究方法与过程 4

(一)访谈法 4

(二)问卷调查法 4

(三)调查对象 4

五、研究结果与分析 5

(一)对闲暇时间的分析 5

1。闲暇时间拥有量分析 5

2。闲暇时间的安排情况分析 5

(二)对闲暇活动的分析 6

1。对闲暇活动内容的分析 6

2。对闲暇活动载体的分析 7

(三)学生对闲暇生活的态度 10

(四)学校、社会、家庭对学生闲暇生活的关注 杭州小学生闲暇生活现状调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_155446.html
