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时间:2023-05-05 22:26来源:毕业论文
小学低段数学绘本阅读教学现状研究。通过调查结果的分析了解小学低段数学绘 本阅读教学现状,为数学绘本的阅读及教学更好地开展提出切实可行的建议

要绘本是感性的,数学是理性的。数学绘本因具有画面、色彩、故事等元素,而贴近儿童生 活,将数学知识巧妙蕴藏在生动有趣的故事中。数学绘本教学能有效帮助小学低年级学生建立 学前教育和小学数学教育之间的软平台,让低年级孩子感受数学学习的乐趣,增强学好数学的 信心,引领学生不断走向数学知识殿堂。本研究试图通过调查结果的分析了解小学低段数学绘 本阅读教学现状,为数学绘本的阅读及教学更好地开展提出切实可行的建议,以期促进小学低 段数学绘本阅读教学的不断发展。88627


Abstract Picture book is perceptual, and the mathematics is rational。 Math picture books can make the abstract teaching content story for the picture, colorful, and so on elements。 Even better math picture books close to the children's lives。 Which are skillful to present mathematics knowledge in a vivid and interesting way, can stimulate children's interest in learning mathematics。 Mathematics picture books teaching can effectively help the elementary school lower grade students set up between the pre-school education and the elementary school mathematics education soft platform。 Mathematics picture books teaching let the younger children experience the fun of learning mathematics, which can also enhance the confidence of the math, leading the students to become more mathematical knowledge。 This research attempts to through the analysis of the results of the survey to understand the elementary school low section mathematics picture books, the teaching of reading picture books for mathematics reading and teaching to put forward the feasible suggestions, in order to promote the elementary school low section mathematics development of picture books reading teaching。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Key words:   mathematics picture books; reading; teaching; lower primary school



一、绪论 5

(一)研究背景 5

(二)概念界定 5

(三)研究现状 6

1、国外研究现状 6

2、国内研究现状 8

二、研究对象与方法 11

(一)研究对象 11

(二)研究方法 11

(三)调查内容 11

(四)数据统计法 11

三、研究结果与分析 12

(一)数学绘本阅读基本情况 12

1、学生对数学学科、课本插图、数学绘本的态度比较 12

2、不同性别小学生对数学绘本态度比较 13

3、不同年级小学生对数学绘本态度比较 13

(二) 数学绘本阅读资源情况 14

1、数学绘本来源 14

2、数学绘本类型 15

3、数学绘本题材 16

(三)数学绘本阅读教学现况 小学低段数学绘本阅读教学现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_164388.html
