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时间:2023-07-13 22:57来源:毕业论文


Abstract:Recently, self-harm, suicide and bullying occur among junior students frequently。 To carry out life education in primary school is an inevitable requirement of social development。 But there exist problems in life education, for example, its form is difficult to hold, and their reading text is flawed。 Picture Book attracts researcher’s attention for its fun, philosophical and text blending。 This essay bases on the existing research and practice, through the Literature Research Method, offering strategies on life education in primary school by using Picture Book。 1 When choosing Picture Book, we should focus on the meaning of life education, combine with other topics and link life demands。 2 Set teaching goals that involve knowledge and ability, behavior and habit as well as emotion objective。 3 Implementation of Classroom Teaching can take the form as A separate picture book--- Situational experiencing teaching and multi - picture book--- Topic of Inquiry Teaching。 4 Making authentic assessment from observation of the learning process, degree of participation and completion of tasks and pretest, offer theoretical basis and Practical guidance in using Picture Book to carry out life education for school teachers。

关键词:绘本; 生命教育; 策略

   Keyword: Picture book; Life education; Strategy


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景和缘由 1

1、生命教育的必要性 1

2、生命教育目前面临的困境 2

3、绘本的特征 3

(二)研究综述 4

(三)究方法与意义 5

1、研究方法 5

2、研究意义 5

二、概念界定与理论基础 5

(一)生命教育的概念界定 5

(二)理论基础 6

1、皮亚杰的认知发展理论 6

2、直观教学论 6

3、阅读治疗理论 7

三、选择合适的绘本 7

(一)围绕生命教育的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 内涵选择绘本 7

1、认识生命 8

2、保护生命 8

3、热爱生命 9

4、探索生命 9

(二)融合其他课程主题选择绘本 小学低段生命教育中绘本的有效利用:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_184948.html
