Abstract Bilingual teaching is a teaching mode of current international advanced, it can help students to master second languages, and apply it to their daily life。 A kind of teaching mode of bilingual teaching is to use their own language and second language teaching are combined, through hearing daily life enhancement for the ability to use a second language the bilingual teaching。 But China is still in the initial stage, facing various difficulties, is difficult。 But this paper tells all the advantages of bilingual teaching to the Internet through access to a variety of information and personal experience, find bilingual teaching problems and feasible solutions, and through Ask and find relevant information found online, adhere to the bilingual teaching and bilingual teaching for students of foreign language proficiency differences, that the former foreign language ability was stronger than the latter, bilingual teaching students can make better use of second language speaking and writing, thus obtains the benefits and necessity of bilingual teaching on bilingual teaching。
毕业论文关键词: 双语教学; 第二语言; 国内外差异; 存在问题; 优越性
Key words: bilingual teaching; second language; difference between home and abroad; existing problems; superiority
引言 2
第一章 双语教学的起源 3
第一节 双语的定义 3
第二节 双语教学的提出 3
第三节 双语教学的早期模式 3
第二章 双语教学的现状 4
第一节 国内外主流的双语教学方法 4
第二节 我国高中阶段来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 的双语教学现状 4
第三节 高中阶段双语教学所面临的问题 5
(一) 学生英语水平不够 5
(二) 缺乏足够的师资力量 5
(三) 没有合适的教材 5
(四) 教学模式还不够
(五) 没有明确的教学目标 5
第四节 高中双语教学存在问题的一些解决方法 5
(一) 加强师资队伍建设,提升教师教学水平 5
(二) 选择性教育 6
(三) 编写出足够精良的教材 6
(四) 要正确认识双语教学 6
(五) 需要学校和社会的支持 高中课堂双语教学的必要性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_195659.html