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时间:2023-10-04 11:19来源:毕业论文

摘    要    早期干预对发展性阅读障碍的矫正至关重要,探讨儿童阅读发展的预测指标,有助于发展性阅读障碍的早期鉴别,进而开展早期干预。快速命名缺陷被认为是汉语发展性阅读障碍的认知缺陷之一,探究快速命名对儿童阅读发展的预测作用可能为建立汉语发展性阅读障碍的早期诊断指标提供客观依据。本论文通过纵向追踪初步考察了快速命名对儿童阅读发展的预测作用。结果发现,儿童在第一个时间点的快速命名成绩能够显著预测第二个时间点(间隔12个月)的识字量,快速命名速度越快,随后的识字量越高。但是,在控制第一个时间点的识字量变异的影响之后,快速命名成绩与第二个时间点的识字量的相关不显著。上述结果表明,快速命名对汉语儿童的阅读发展有一定预测作用,但是受已有阅读经验的影响。85368


Abstract: Early intervention is important for the correction of development dyslexia。 It is thus critical to explore the indicators that can predict children's reading development。 This contributed to the early intervention of development dyslexia。 Rapid naming defect is considered to be one of the cognitive deficits of Chinese developmental dyslexia。 It can provide empirical evidence for the early diagnosis of Chinese developmental dyslexia through examining the predictive effect of rapid naming on children’s reading development。 The present study examined the predictive effect of rapid naming on children's reading development by the longitudinal tracing design。 The results showed that the score of children's rapid naming at the first time point significantly predicted the sight vocabulary at the second time point (interval of 12 months)。Children with faster naming speed showed the higher score in the sight vocabulary test。 However, after controlling the influence of the variation of sight vocabulary at the first time point, the correlation between rapid naming speed and the score of sight vocabulary at the second time point was not significant。 Our results suggested that the rapid naming predicted children’s reading development, but this prediction was also influenced by their previous reading experience。

Keyword: Developmental Dyslexia;Chinese character;Rapid Naming;Prediction


摘    要 III

1研究背景 1

1。1快速命名缺陷 2

1。2问题提出 3

2研究过程与方法 4

2。1被试 4

2。2行为测查 4

2。2。1识字量筛查 4

2。2。2快速命名源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 测验 5

3结果 5

3。1识字量 5

3。2快速命名时间 6

3。3识字量与快速命名的相关 6

4讨论 8

5小结与展望 9

5。1小结 9

5。2不足 10

5。3 展望 10

6参考文献 11

致谢 12


发展性阅读障碍(Developmental dyslexia,以下简称为DD)是指儿童的智力水平正常,不存在明显神经或器质性损伤,且与其他儿童拥有均等的教育机会,但其阅读能力显著低于正常同龄儿童水平。发展性阅读障碍是一种常见的学习障碍,发生率约为5%~10%[1]。 汉语发展性阅读障碍的早期筛查快速命名研究的证据:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_196897.html
