摘 要:学前教育作为基础教育的重要组成部分,在国民教育中具有至关重要的意义,但在整个教育系统中学前教育是最薄弱的环节,尤其在农村地区存在更多的问题,2012年3月,教育部颁布了《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》,该标准迅速成为了教育部门、幼儿园及教师工作的依据。此次研究以《专业标准》为依据,以苏北农村幼儿教师为研究对象,调查幼儿教师专业素养的现状,调查的主要内容包括:幼儿教师的基本情况、专业理念与师德、专业知识和专业能力。从宏观(政府)、中观(幼儿园)、微观(教师)三个层面分析了影响农村幼儿教师专业素养发展的原因,并提出了相应建议,希望对目前苏北农村幼儿教师的专业素养提升有一定的帮助。93222
毕业论文关键词:农村幼儿教师 教师专业素养 幼儿园教师专业标准
Abstract:Pre-school education as an important part of basic education, has vital significance in the national education, but in the whole education system before high school education is the most weak link, especially in the rural areas there are more questions, in March 2012, the
ministry of education issued the kindergarten teachers' professional standard (trial) ", the standard quickly became the department of education, the basis of kindergarten and its teachers' work。The study was based on the professional standards, to the rural preschool teachers as the research object, and investigating the present situation of the preschool teacher's professional accomplishment, the investigation of the main contents include: basic information of the preschool teachers, professional philosophy and ethics, professional knowledge and professional skills。From the macro (government), medium (kindergarten) and micro (teachers) three aspects analyzes the influence of rural preschool teachers' professional development, and proposes corresponding Suggestions, hope to the current rural preschool teachers' professional promotion has certain help。
Keywords:the rural preschool teachers ,teachers' professional quality ,the nursery teacher professional standards
目 录
1绪论 3
1。1研究缘起 3
1。2概念界定 3
1。3文献综述 4
1。4研究方法 5
2苏北农村幼儿教师专业素养现状分析 5
2。1苏北农村幼儿教师基本情况分析 5
2。2专业理念和师德情况分析 7
2。3专业知识总体情况分析 8
2。4专业能力总体情况分析 10
3苏北农村幼儿教师专业素养影响因素分析 12
3。1对职业的专业性认识不足 12
3。2培训机会少,缺乏针对性途径单一 12
3。3管理体制不规范,缺乏科学性 13
3。4出现职业倦怠 13
4提升苏北农村幼儿教师专业素养的建议 13
4。1培养积极的专业态度,提高专业认识 13
4。2明确《专业标准》的地位,加强在职教师的培训 14
4。3健全完善管理制度,提供政策支持 14
结论 苏北农村幼儿教师专业素养调查研究《幼儿园教师专业标准》为参照:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_201033.html