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时间:2019-03-17 21:17来源:毕业论文

关键词  乡村义务教育、不均衡、困境、出路
毕业论文外 文 摘 要
Title         我国乡村义务教育的困境与出路             
Education is the basic of One-Hundred Year Strategy of a Nation. Since the founding of new china, the government attaches great importance to education, especially the nine-year compulsory education acting as a significant role. However, the rural compulsory education is given primary importance among the compulsory education. According to the existing research, the income of rural residents is proportional to their level of education. Form this, we can see the rural compulsory education which rises the function of the development of rural economy. With the economic and cultural development, the urban and rural compulsory education which exist a lager gap grow unequally. After all, whenever, the rural compulsory education is very significant . Although the increasing investment and high attention is put into the education, the gap does not disappear. On the basis of the survey about Sichuan,Jiangan’s compulsory education, the essay points out some problems in their educational process and next give inpidual solutions to these problems. Besides, the essay maintain that only can these existing problems solved the rural compulsory education develop better in tomorrow.
Nowadays, having a better understanding of the rural compulsory education and constructing it better have a profound influence on our nation development.
Keywords  the Rural Compulsory Education Unbalance Difficulty Solution
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究的背景及意义    1
1.2  研究目的    2
2  我国乡村义务教育的发展状况    3
2.1  对义务教育的认识    3
2.2  我国农村义务教育的发展历程    3
3  我国乡村义务教育发展中存在的主要问题    5
3.1  教师方面出现的问题    5
3.2  存在大量留守儿童    5
3.3  学生方面出现的问题    6
3.4  乡村义务教育体制不完善    7
4  我国乡村义务教育发展的出路分析    8
4.1  加强师资队伍的建设    8
4.2  解决留守儿童的教育问题    9
4.3  正确认识乡村义务教育,提前预防辍学严重的问题    10 我国乡村义务教育的困境与出路:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_31166.html