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时间:2019-06-25 20:09来源:毕业论文

Research Status of Game by Class in Mathematics Teaching.
-- in five kindergartens in S city for example
Abstract: Childhood is a critical period of human intellectual development, mathematics learning canfully explore the children's brain intelligence and potential, better training of children'smathematical thinking flexibility and agility, young children interested in maths is veryimportant. The game is children's partner, children are in the game, playing in the progress of and grow day by day. Game loved by young children, if the mathematics knowledge into daily life of games and sports, let the children play in the middle school, moving in the middle school, it can meet the needs of children's play, but also can be very good to complete the goals of mathematics teaching. In view of this, this article through the questionnaire surveymethod and interview method, in view of mathematics teaching activity S five kindergartenlaunched an investigation, use mainly from the small class teaching activities of mathematicsteachers in the game, the organization form, children with the degree of multiple perspectives to the present situation analysis, and analyzes the reasons for the formation of the. On this basis, put forward can effectively improve the mathematics teaching suggestions for activities,such as teachers to change the traditional education idea; establish classroom scientific evaluation system; strengthen the teachers team construction, improve the quality of teachers.
Keywords: Small class teaching math; game application; research status; suggestion
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的概述    3
(一)小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的价值    3
(二)小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的原则    3
(三)小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的目标    4
二、幼儿园小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的现状分析    4
(一)教师对于数学教学活动中游戏运用的认识    4
(二)教师对于数学教学活动游戏环境的创设    5
(三)教师对于数学教学活动中游戏的指导    6
(四)数学教学活动中幼儿的配合情况    8
三、小班数学教学活动中游戏运用的问题及成因分析    9
(一)小班数学教学活动中游戏运用存在的问题    9
(二)小班数学教学活动中游戏运用存在问题的成因分析    9
四、提高小班数学教学活动中游戏运用效果的教育建议    10
(一)教师应提高自身专业水平    10
(二)教师应加强对数学教学活动中游戏运用相关知识的运用    10 小班数学教学活动中游戏运用现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35178.html