GSM Montessori AIDS Using the Present Situation Of The Research
—— In Kaifeng T Private Kindergartens, For Example
Abstract: Montessori Teaching Aids are not only significant for Montessori teaching activities, but also necessary for the learning of children, the proper application of which may be quite beneficial for the cultivation of abilities of children. For example: The study in daily life has positive influence on the development of children’s responsibility. They learn wearing clothes, washing hands and faces by themselves, and also learn cleaning, which can be completed by other children and consequently evokes their team spirit. Whether the teaching aids are adequately prepared and appropriately applied will have direct influences on teaching outcomes. Given this, this article, with methods of interview, literature summarizing and observation, will investigate the current situation of the application of teaching aids in the Kaifeng T Kindergarten classes and analyze problems from the aspects of teachers, children, teaching aids and so on. On this basis, the author makes suggestions in the areas of teaching training, children guidance and teaching aids allocation and also suggests solving current problems with joint power and proper strategies.
Keywords: A Student ; Montessori teaching AIDS; Use of the status quo
目 录
摘要: 1
Abstract: 1
一、蒙台梭利教具概述 2
(一)蒙台梭利教具概念 2
(二)蒙台梭利教具正确使用的价值 2
二、蒙台梭利教具运用的现状及问题分析 3
(一)蒙台梭利教具的投放现状 4
(二)蒙台梭利教具的使用现状 4
三、蒙台梭利教具运用现状问题的原因分析 6
(一)教师方面 6
(二)家长方面 7
(三)幼儿园方面 7
四、改善蒙台梭利教具运用现状的教育建议 8
(一)教师方面 8
(二)家长方面 8
(三)幼儿园方面 9
参考文献 10
附录 11
致谢 12
前言:蒙台梭利从1907年创建“儿童之家”以来,她的教育思想开始在各个国家传播。1994年蒙台梭利教育思想传入中国,直到2000年蒙台梭利教育思想在中国的传播和影响越来越大。目前,蒙台梭利教育思想几乎遍及全国。蒙台梭利博士经过长期的观察和实验,专门制作了一套教具用以教育低能儿童,此教具有效的提高了他们的读、写、算能力,使得低能儿童进入正常的儿童学校学习。[1]此后,蒙台梭利改进相关的教育方法,将其教育理论逐步推广到正常儿童中间,同样取得了成功。直到今天,蒙台梭利教育方法仍对世界各国的早期教育有着广泛的影响。 蒙台梭利“教具”运用的现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35177.html