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时间:2019-07-12 20:38来源:毕业论文

The Case Study on the Formation of self-confidence from Family Preschool Education
Abstract: Preschool stage is the important period of children personality development, is also the key to the development of self-confidence. Parents are their children first teachers, children self-confidence is germination and development in the family. This article use the method of observation and interview, family upbringing way for the formation and development of young children self-confidence to start kindergarten in Zhoukou J investigation. Mainly through the four class children emotional,adaptability,participant observation activity, social interaction and language, And their parents targeted interviews and analysis, it is concluded that the lack of confidence of parents of young children are too spoiled, child neglect of discipline or interfere too much and so on. The parenting style democracy is conducive to the formation of self-confidence in children. Made on the basis of self-confidence to promote the development of early childhood family education advice: Parents parenting attitude change, create a free, relaxed and harmonious environment, and take the democracy parenting styles.
Keywords: Children; Self-confidence; Parenting; Democracy
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、家庭教养方式和幼儿自信心的概述    2
(一)家庭教养方式的含义、类型    2
(二)幼儿自信心发展特点    3
(三)家庭教养方式对幼儿自信心的影响    4
二、个案分析    5
(一)个案家庭教育背景介绍    5
(二)个案自信心发展及成因分析    5
(三)个案启示    7
三、教养建议    7
(一)营造自由、宽松、和谐的环境    7
(二)转变教养态度    8
(三)采取民主型家庭教养方式    8
参考文献    11
附录I    12
附录II    13
附录III    14
致谢    15
自信心是幼儿自我意识成熟与发展的标志,它对幼儿智力和健全人格的形成具有重要的意义。一份调查研究资料反映 :三百多名幼儿,其中自信心很强或较强的幼儿只占百分之二十五,而自信心一般甚至很不自信的幼儿占百分之七十五。许多教师也反映,自信心不足在幼儿中不同程度地普遍存在着。如在集体活动中不敢或很少主动举手发言 ;在面对困难、挫折时常常害怕、退缩。[1]可见,幼儿自信心的建立与培养是何等的重要!幼儿期是人格形成与发展的关键期,也是自信心形成与发展的关键期,家庭也被称为“创造人类性格的工厂”。家庭是幼儿出生后最初的生活环境,同时也是实施早期教育的最初环境,家长通过自己的行为方式和态度,潜移默化地向幼儿传达自己的情感态度以及价值观念等。本文通过对周口市J幼儿园大班幼儿自信心形成的个案研究,发现家庭教育方式对幼儿自信心形成具有重要的影响。本研究主要选取四类家庭教养方式下幼儿自信心发展状况进行分析,并提出有助于家长重新审视自己的教育方式的教育建议,帮助家长转变教育观念,为其利用正确的教育方式帮助幼儿建立自信心提供理论指导。 家庭教养方式对大班幼儿自信心形成的个案研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35590.html