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时间:2019-09-01 19:17来源:毕业论文

A brief analysis of the government responsibility in balancing the compulsory education in urban and rural areas
[Abstract] : Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly and people's living standard has improved significantly , which put forward higher requirements for education, especially compulsory education.It becomes an important focus to develop education preferentially, to adapt the education idea to the call of The Times, to constantly promote education fairness in all directions, to realize the balance between urban and rural areas in compulsory education , in order to build a harmonious socialist society. Since the system of compulsory education carried out in our country, the development of the compulsory education in urban and rural areas has become more and more unbalanced , which is caused from the unbalanced allocation of resources, the unreasonable teachers configuration,the lacking of related education policy and so on. As the government is a provider of basic public services, its responsibility vacancy is the main reason. Therefore , the government should strengthen the idea of fair education,further reform the education system, innovate the education management, improve their management ability and level, maintain a high sense of responsibility for education, so that they can continuously reduce the gap between urban and rural areas in compulsory education and truly realize the education fair in urban and rural areas.
[Key words]:compulsory education, analysis of unbalance, resource allocation,   government responsibility
目  录
一、义务教育均衡发展相关概念    1
二、城乡义务教育发展失衡现状与原因浅析    2
(一)义务教育财政投入不足    2
(二)当前教育政策存在问题    3
(三)城乡义务教育师资配置问题    4
(四)城乡二元经济结构导致的教育差异    5
三、城乡义务教育均衡发展中的政府责任    6
(一)遵从教育公平理念革新户籍制度,政策倾向农村    6
(二)明确政府责任,加大财政投入力度    7
(三)拓宽思路,促进政府在教育领域的相关改革    8
(四)履行政府教育监督职责,建立健全问责机制    10
参考文献    11
义务教育是依照法律规定对所有适龄少年儿童统一实施的学校教育,具有普及性、强制性、公益性的特征。提高国民素质,实现社会公平公正,义务教育是基础也是起点。[ ]到2012年末,我国才基本实现了普及九年义务教育的目标。我国义务教育普及发展成绩斐然,教育事业蒸蒸日上,但还存在不少问题需要改进。如义务教育在地区、城乡、校际之间教育资源获取、办学条件、师资等方面存在较大差距。发展总体水平低、基础不稳、整体不平衡等矛盾十分突出。由此,义务教育均衡发展的提出有了现实必要性,是解决上述问题的一种新的教育理念。均衡发展目的在于解决失衡现状。促进义务教育均衡发展,深刻分析义务教育失衡原因,制定相关对策,努力实现教育新发展是教育事业发展的时代选择。 城乡义务教育均衡发展中的政府责任:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38684.html