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时间:2019-09-03 12:40来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:师生;  课堂互动; 问题; 策略
Low-grade Primary School Mathematics Classroom Interaction Questions and Strategies between Teachers and Students —
—take Weiqiao primary school at Cao he township in Huaiyang county for an example
Abstract: Primary grades interaction between teachers and students on primary school mathematics problems not only affect teachers' effective spreading knowledge and also affects the students’ acquiring knowledge and master the knowledge effectively. For that reason, this text aim to investigate the lower grades’ interaction problems and strategies between teachers and students in Weiqiao primary school at Cao he township in Huaiyang county. It is based on the method of observation and interview method, and mainly analyzing the three current situation as follow: the interaction between teachers and students in classroom questioning, teaching, discussion, and then analyze the causes. On this basis, we should put forward some reasonable and effective suggestions to solve classroom interaction between teachers and students.Teachers should change teaching idea, teaching design and must be good at asking questions effectively.
Keywords: Teachers and students; classroom interaction; questions; strategies.
 目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、研究设计    2
(一)研究对象    2
(二)研究方法    2
(三)研究内容    2
二、研究结果    2
(一)研究结果    2
(二)成因分析    5
三、解决师生课堂互动存在问题的的策略    6
(一)教师在教学理念上的转变    7
(二)教师在教学设计上的转变    7
(三)教师要善于从学生实际出发有效进行提问    8
参考文献    9
附录    10
致谢    11
随着社会的发展进步,“教育”一词在人休闲娱乐时已经成为家长探讨的一个热门话题。在教学中现新课改强调一切以学生为本,但现如今大部分教师还是一如既往按照传统的教学方法,一的知识灌溉,没有让学生自己去自主探究、思考,以至在课堂中师生间的互动存在很大问题。师生互动是每个课堂都一定存在的。鉴于国内外大家对教学中的师生互动做了研究,得出师生互动对学生的学习情况产生了影响。“钱扑认为师生之间发生各种形式的、性质的和程度的不同方面相互作用影响就是师生互动”。[1] “吴康宁调查分析得出,从本质上讲,师生互动是一个在多种的情境中、具有多种的形式和多种内容的互动体系”。[2]
课堂师生互动是教师学生共同学习发展进步的。课堂中教学,教师不只是单纯的教授知识,而学生也不止被动的接受知识,而是教师和学生在教学中的不断相互作用、共同学习。为此,课堂师生间的互动存在哪些问题?现状如何?本文试图通过对河南省周口市淮阳县曹河乡位桥小学低年级学生课堂师生互动的了解,以此达到解决问题的效果。 小学数学低年级课堂师生互动问题及策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38745.html