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时间:2020-06-03 17:47来源:毕业论文



Problems and Suggestions for Improvement of Junior Chinese Classroom Lead-in 

Abstract: Classroom lead-in is the first part of classroom teaching. It is a teaching organizational behavior of teachers guiding students in the classroom learning status. There are various ways of classroom import. To better understand the situation of junior Chinese classroom teaching, through looking up the related documentation, observing the classroom teaching during the internship and sorting out interviews, give the connotation of classroom teaching, describe the function of classroom import from the three aspects of concentrate, stimulating interest and importing topics, find that the Junior Chinese classroom import has lots of problems, the reason is persistent lack of ability to grasp the import function of the classroom、 the limited capacity of literacy、it is difficult to meet the strong junior high school students' curiosity,and from the persistent emphasis on the import function、enhance their ability literacy、innovative approach to recommendations for improvements, with a view to junior high school language teachers in the classroom import to provide some reference.

Keywords: Classroom lead-in; Junior Chinese; Stimulating interest

目  录

摘要: 1

Abstract: 1

一、课堂导入的内涵及其功能 2

(一)课堂导入的内涵 2

(二)课堂导入的功能 2

二、初中语文课堂导入存在的问题 3

(一)针对性不强 3

(二)新颖性不足 4

(三)趣性较弱 5

(四)简洁性较差 5

三、初中语文课堂导入存在问题的成因分析 6

(一)教师缺乏持久把握课堂导入功能的能力 6

(二)教师课堂导入的能力素养有限 6

(三)难以满足初中生强烈的好奇心理 7

四、提高初中语文课堂导入效果的改进建议 7

(一)持久重视课堂导入的功能 7

(二)钻研教材,提升自身的课堂导入的能力素养 7

(三)创新初中语文课堂导入的方法 8

参考文献 9

附录1: 10

附录2: 11

致谢 12

课堂教学是一个完整的体系,课堂导入是课堂教学体系中的第一个环节。课堂导入如同一出戏的序幕,预示着后面的高潮和结局,引导学生思维的方向。《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》在教学建议中指出:“语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣。”[1]精彩的导入环节能够吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而唤起学生的好奇心与求知欲,以此引发学生的学习热情,为课堂教学活动的高效进行打下了坚实的基础,为实现教学目标、取得良好的教学效果作准备。然而,在教育实习中发现大多数初中语文老师并不重视导入环节,往往简单开始,存在着诸多问题。本文对知网上10篇论文进行梳理,在顶岗实习对10节初中语文课进行观察记录,并对4名初中语文教师进行访谈,以对初中语文课堂导入问题作出详细研究,以期为提高初中语文课堂导入的效果提供有益的借鉴。 初中语文课堂导入存在的问题改进建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_53627.html
