Abstract The question is part of the kindergarten is especially important in language activities.Teacher questions whether accurate, effective, directly influence the teaching quality and teaching effect, to mobilize children's positive learning interest.However, in the practice of teaching, the teacher ask ability is uneven.The teachers' education concept is not new, the understanding of some concepts and use and lacking.To this, the author adopts the method of observation and literature research, interview method, the quality of kindergarten teacher questions in language activities and its effect are studied, put forward some optimization of teachers' questioning strategies, aims to improve the quality of questions, to bring into full play the initiative of young children in activities.
Key Words: Preschool teachers; Language activities; Ask questions; Teacher-children interaction
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
一 研究背景 1
二 核心概念的界定 1
(一)提问的相关概念 1
(二)师幼互动的概念 1
三 幼儿园语言活动中教师提问的现状 1
(一)提问数量多质量低 1
(二)候答时间短 3
(三)提问对象范围窄,存在教育不公平 4
(四)理答方式缺乏智慧 5
(五)提供给幼儿主动操作的机会少 6
四 优化幼儿教师提问的策略 7
(一)理论层面:更新教育观念 7
(二)实践层面:优化幼儿教师提问方式的相关策略 9
五 研究的初步结论与总结 11
参考文献 12
附:访谈记录 13
(一)访谈节选一 13
(二)访谈节选二 13
(三)访谈节选三 13
一 研究背景
然而在目前大量的集体活动中,教师始终都扮演着问题的提出者,提问的主动权始终掌握在教师手中,幼儿很少有主动提问的机会。这样的关系下,幼儿在教师的带领下学习,表面看上去课堂很热闹,实际上幼儿却是被教师“牵着鼻子走”,主体意识不强。 幼儿园语言活动中教师提问方式的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_54583.html