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时间:2021-01-20 20:52来源:毕业论文


Science curriculum relates to the field of physics, chemistry, biology, environment, geography, astronomy, and so knowledge is one of the subjects with the experiment on the basis of practice and theory strong, so junior high school science teaching must attach importance to experimental teaching. Experimental teaching has very important significance. The experimental teaching process is a process of cultivating students' hands, eye, brain, can greatly develop the potential of students. Through experiment teaching can cultivate students' curiosity, interest, hobbies, to arouse their curiosity, make students interested in learning and, more important is cultivating students experimental skills, and problem observation, problem analysis and problem solving ability, so as to the basic quality of the students' comprehensive ability.

毕业论文关键词:实验教学; 初中科学实验; 有效性

Keyword: Experiment teaching; Middle school science experiment; Validity

1.引言 4

2.浅谈初中科学实验教学 4

2.1.实验教学的定义: 4

2.2.实验教学的背景: 4

2.3.实验教学的意义: 5

2.4.新课程背景下初中科学实验教学的现状分析: 5

3.新课程背景下初中科学实验教学的形式: 5

3.1.变演示实验为学生分组实验 5

3.2.重视开展学生课外探究性实验 6

3.3.借助多媒体课件辅助实验教学 7

3.4.加强实验教学与学生生活联系 7

3.5.利用课余时间开放实验室 7

4.新课程背景下初中科学实验教学如何有效开展: 8

4.1.注重实验的演示 8

4.1.1.提高对“知识、技能、情感”三维目标的认识 8

4.1.2.尽量让实验现象直观化 9

4.1.3.注重实验的启发性 9

4.2.激发学生兴趣,引导其探究 9

4.3. 发挥学生在学习过程中的主体作用 10

4.3.1.教师要时刻帮助发挥学生的主体作用 10

4.3.2.让学生动手实验,增强其求知欲 10

4.4.通过评价的激励作用提高教学有效性 11

4.5.通过开展实验操作设计竞赛活动来提高实验教学有效性 11

5.对新课程背景下初中科学实验教学改革的思考: 11

5.1.新课程改革的科学实验与原教材实验的对比 新课程背景下初中科学实验教学研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_68617.html
