Abstract:The discipline of kindergarten is early childhood teachers must face problems. Young children and the nature of the active, curious, do not like to be free adult control. Traditional education advocated by threatening in discipline education, rewards and punishment to suppress children inner impulse, let the children become obedient, quiet, obedient. In today's world for discipline education generally hold such views, admit children's autonomy, independence, respect for the understanding of each child's thoughts and rights, to comply with the development of children's nature is suitable for sexual health education. This paper aims to explore and analysis of preschool education discipline, to promote children’s inpidual growth, puts forward relevant strategies of discipline education in kindergarten teaching.
Key words:discipline education, the kindergarten, exploration and practice
1 纪律教育观综述 1
1.1 蒙台梭利的纪律教育观 1
1.2 行为主义纪律教育观的缺点和不足 3
1.3 建构主义纪律教育观的优势 3
2 幼儿园教师对纪律教育的职责和任务 4
3 幼儿园纪律教育中存在的问题和不足 4
3.1 从教者对纪律教育的意义理解太过肤浅 5
3.2 教师对纪律教育采取的方法合理与否认识不足 5
3.3 幼儿的差异性在落实纪律中不能得到完全的尊重 5
4 建构主义纪律观在幼儿园日常教学中的探索与实践 5
4.1 生理发展与情感发展对儿童行为的影响 5
4.2 智力发展和社会性发展对纪律问题的影响 6
4.3 创设能够预防纪律问题产生的环境 6
4.4 通过榜样来指导适当的行为 7
4.5 通过有效的交流来处理纪律问题 7
结 论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
1 纪律教育观综述
1.1 蒙台梭利的纪律教育观
蒙台梭利是教育史上一个卓越的幼儿教育思想家和改革家。1907年,她在意大利贫民区创办了 “儿童之家”,确立了系统化、科学化的蒙氏幼教方法,促进了现代幼儿教育的发展。蒙氏幼教法又被成为“实验教学法”。它的主要内容是“以儿童的需要为依据并予以诱导,让他们自己去发现,自己去学习,自己去成长。”
1.1.1 纪律与自由的辩证统一关系(纪律必须通过自由而获得) 幼儿园纪律教育的探索与实践:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_68997.html