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时间:2021-04-15 21:40来源:毕业论文



ABSTRACT:Life situation of the elementary school mathematics teaching is to point to in the process of mathematics classroom teaching, the teacher must set out actually from the students' life, to make the teaching material of mathematics knowledge associated with the actual life, actually is to the student's life experience and the book knowledge to connect directly, for instance contact math problems in life, to solve the problem, so as to realize the living situation of mathematics teaching. For mathematics teaching, the importance of classroom import is the prelude to a beautiful music, to create a good classroom atmosphere, arouse students' interest in learning plays an important role, so as to promote students' autonomous learning, all-round development. But also should pay attention to when using situation of the life, want to combine the local age characteristics, psychological characteristics student age. 


Keywords:The elementary school mathematics,classroom import, life situations

目    录

1  引言 4

2  利用生活情境化教学开展小学数学课堂教学的意义 4

2.1  有利于学生体会数学与现实生活密切相关 4

2.2  有利于实现数学知识由抽象化到具体化与形象化 4

2.3  有利于提高学生学习数学的兴趣 5

2.4  引导学生主动参与学习 5

2.5  有利于提高学生的实践探究能力和创新能力 5

3  生活情境化教学在小学数学课堂导入教学中的具体应用方法 5

3.1  创设的生活情境要贴近生活实际 5

3.2  营造良好的学习气氛 6

3.3  创建层层递进的生活情境 6

4  在运用生活情境化教学导入课堂的过程中应注意的问题 7

4.1  要注意学生的生活性 7

4.2  要根据学生的不同心理年龄特征 7

4.3  要注意生活情境的健康性 8

4.4  要把握教学的重点 8

4.5  要选取具有地方特色、时代气息的生活情境 8

4.6  要选取容量大、开放性的生活情境 8

5  对生活情境化教学运用于小学数学课堂导入教学的思考 小学数学课堂导入生活情境化教学的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_73450.html
