摘 要:幼儿进入幼儿园时,受年龄阶段特点的影响,身体和心理各方面发展都还不完善,冲突不可避免。虽然冲突会带来负面的影响,但如果利用好了冲突中的教育价值,对于培养幼儿社会交往能力以及去自我中心是非常重要的机会。由于幼儿自身能力有限,不能很好地处理冲突,很多时候就需要教师的介入。受教师自身观念、性格、工作经验、儿童年龄段、能力,以及冲突发生的情境、时间、地点等多因素影响,教师介入幼儿冲突的方式各不相同。文中笔者采用观察法、查阅文献法等对幼儿冲突的内涵、冲突对幼儿发展的影响、教师介入幼儿冲突的行为存在的问题及影响因素进行了分析与总结,并对教师有效介入幼儿冲突提出了自己的想法和策略。71596
Abstract:When the children enter kindergarten, influenced by the characteristics of the age, physical and psychological development is still not perfect, the conflict is inevitable. Although the conflict had a negative impact, but if make good use of the value conflict of the education, to cultivate children's social communication ability and the opportunity to self center is very important. Due to the children's own ability is limited, can't handle conflict well, a lot of times requires teachers involved. The teachers' concept, character, work experience, children's age, ability, and the conflict situation, time, place, etc factors, teachers' involvement in children's conflict way each are not identical. In this paper, the author USES the method of observation and literature method on the connotation of children's conflict, conflict influence on children's development, teachers in conflict children's behavior problems and influencing factors are analyzed and summarized, and the teachers effectively in conflict children put forward its own ideas and strategies.
Keywords:Teacher intervention, Child conflict, Strategy
目 录
2 幼儿冲突的内涵3
2.2 幼儿冲突产生的原因3
3 冲突对幼儿发展的影响4
4.1 教师的介入行为存在的问题6
4.2 影响教师介入行为的因素分析7
5 教师有效介入幼儿冲突的策略 8
5.1 树立正确的“冲突观”,学会观察记录以了解幼儿 8
5.2 注意幼儿情绪的疏导与修复 9
5.3 将冲突化解“课程”与教育教学活动相结合 9
5.4 创设温馨和谐的幼儿园环境,提供充足的学习材料 9
5.5 合理安排幼儿园一日生活的各个环节,减少消极等待的时间10
5.6 把握介入的时机,培养幼儿独立解决问题的能力10
5.7 借鉴美国高宽课程冲突解决“六步法”10
结论 12
1 前言
既要抓住幼儿冲突中的教育契机,又要尽量缩小冲突带来的负面影响,教师的介入行为是否合适很重要。当幼儿间发生冲突时,教师积极、耐心的引导,能引发幼儿的思考、讨论与分析,这样不仅能化解冲突,而且能使幼儿逐渐学会用协商的方式去化解冲突。不同的教师由于教育背景、理论修养、个性特征等方面的不同,介入幼儿冲突的方式也有所不同,而不同的幼儿由于家庭背景、个性差异,对同一种介入方式的反应也不尽相同,由此带来的解决结果也大不相同。因此,要有效地利用幼儿间的冲突事件,真正保证幼儿从冲突中学会解决问题的方法,教师的介入行为是否适当很重要。 教师介入幼儿冲突的策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_81261.html