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时间:2021-10-11 21:27来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, comes the era of micro。 We-Chat, micro-blogging, and micro- video have been come gradually into our life。 Information technology has been included in primary and secondary schools compulsory courses, because it shoulders the important task of information literacy development for such students。 However, there are many problems in the teaching of information technology in junior high school, such as lacking of interest, obvious learning differences among students and poor teaching efficiency。 Micro-video as a learning resource for its characteristics "accurate, fine, short " and fragmentation of knowledge, is applied to the junior high school IT course, then it can guide students to self-learning, stimulate students' interest in learning so as to improve efficiency in the classroom。 By analyzing the current situation of micro-video and teaching status of information technology at home and abroad, on the basis of the unique performance and application of the micro-video in the teaching process, the author discusses methods and strategies application of micro-video in the information technology teaching。  It is aimed at the effective implementation of the junior high school IT teaching process。

Keywords:Micro-video,Information Technology Teaching in Middle School,Classroom teaching 

目   录

1  前言 3

2 微视频 3

2。1 微视频的概念与内涵 3

2。2 微视频的特点 3

2。3 微视频制作的理论基础 4

3 微视频与信息技术课堂教学 6

3。1 信息技术学科教学中微视频的分类 6

3。2 信息技术课堂教学中微视频的独特表现形式 7

4 微视频在初中信息技术课堂教学中的应用现状分析 7

4。1 初中信息技术课堂教学中的常见问题 7

4。2 初中信息技术课堂中运用微视频的优势 7

5 微视频在初中信息技术课堂教学中有效应用的方法和策略 8

5。1 制作微视频的流程 8

5。2 微视频在初中信息技术课堂中的应用环境 9

5。3 微视频在初中信息技术课的有效应用策略 10

5。4 《制作卷首语》微视频教学设计实例 11 微视频在初中信息技术课堂教学中的有效应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_82837.html
