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时间:2022-07-12 22:57来源:毕业论文



The value of finger games in kindergarten education and the current situation

—ZhoukoucityZ the kindergarten middle shift, for example

Abstract:With the development and advancement of education reform, games play an increasingly important  role in kindergarte teaching activities and gradually, people give credit to them。 Fingerplay,  one of the most popular plays among children, is interesting intriguing and catchy, thus making it possible to play a critical role on the sound physical and mental debelopment of children。 The research attach importance to  the  implementation of finger play among the middle-class children through one-month observation during my internship period。 I give an analysis on its implementation status from both  how it begins, carries out and  its feedback, from which I analyze its  pros and cons and further bring forward som corresponding solutions to problems incurred from finfer 。 

Keywords:finger plays;carry out;Child Development

目 录

摘要 2

Abstract 2

一、手指游戏概述 3

(一)手指游戏的含义 3

(二)手指游戏的价值 3

二、手指游戏的开展现状 5

(一)手指游戏在开展中的优点 5

(二)手指游戏开展中的不足以及原因 8

三、解决手指游戏开展中不足的策略 9

(一)教师应选择适合幼儿年龄发展需要的手指游戏 9

(二)手指游戏应贯穿到幼儿的生活活动中去 9

(三)教师应关注到幼儿的个体差异性 9

参考文献 10

附录I 11

附录II 12

致谢 13



《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》提出“以游戏为基本活动”的教育原则[1]。随着幼儿教育机构的出现,游戏在学前教育的地位逐渐得到认可。在《学前儿童游戏》这本书中提到:人们已经认识到游戏应当是学前儿童的基本活动,也就是说,游戏是在儿童的全部活动中,占据时间最多,对儿童的生活与发展影响最大的活动。手指游戏是幼儿的基本活动,符合幼儿的年龄特点,幼儿可在游戏中观察、思考、想象[2]。手指游戏内容丰富、音韵和谐、朗朗上口,具有教具现成、简单易学、有趣好玩的特点,深得幼儿的喜欢,在幼儿的生活和学习中有着重要的教育意义。 手指游戏在幼儿园开展现状的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_96341.html
