The Exploration of the Commercial Real Estate Financing Mode
Abstract: The growth momentum sustained by commercial real estate in China proved its exceptional growth potential and investment value. However, the late start in commercial real estate, especially under the influence of traditional financing crunch, existing financing method exposes a variety of drawbacks and limitations. How to expand commercial real estate financing channels in order to ease the pressure on its capital needs, become an urgent need for an in-depth study of the subject.
Firstly, research on theory and status quo of commercial real estate financing, analysis the basic contradiction and development of commercial real estate financing trends. In response to this situation, summarize mainly on China's commercial real estate financing, and further studied his options as well as building the finance portfolio. In terms of financing tools, first proposed REITs and REITs as a core combined with a traditional financing instruments for financing. Finally adopted case becomes home to a combination of study and practice.
Key Words: commercial real estate; financing mode; financing combination
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
1.3.1 国内研究现状 2
1.3.2 国外研究现状 3
2 商业地产融资理论探析 4
2.1 商业地产概述 4
2.1.1 商业地产的定义 4
2.1.2 商业地产的分类 4
2.1.3 商业地产开发经营的特点 4
2.2 房地产融资理论基础 5
2.2.1 房地产融资的概念 5
2.2.2 商业地产融资的分类 5
2.2.3 商业地产资金循环模式 5
3 我国商业地产融资现状及趋势 7
3.1 当前融资市场的主要特征 7
3.1.1 融资规模巨大,融资渠道过于单一 7
3.1.2 探寻多元化的融资渠道 8
3.1.3 融资渠道体系不健全 8
3.2 我国商业地产融资的基本矛盾 9
3.2.1 短期银行贷款无法满足长周期对资金的需求 9
3.2.2 单一的银行贷款与多元化的渠道需求的矛盾 9
3.2.3 法律法规不健全 9
3.2.4 严格的金融监管与融资金融工具创新的矛盾 9
3.3 未来商业地产融资渠道的发展趋势 9
3.3.1 渠道多元化 10
3.3.2 体系健全完善 10
3.3.3 资产证券化 10
3.3.4 金融工具不断创新 10 REITs商业地产融资方式探讨+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_11178.html