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时间:2016-12-18 18:44来源:毕业论文

摘要 互联网技术的快速发展和创新催生了互联网金融的飞跃式发展,互联网金融以其便捷,低成本,高回报的平台优势迅速收到人们追捧。各种互联网金融的商业模式不断刷新人们对金融业务的理解,如第三方支付,p2p信贷平台,众筹融资,网络理财等正在边缘商业银行的中介功能,瓜分银行的客户、业务和金融市场份额,压缩商业银行的利润空间。在这种窘境之下,商业银行应主动化解危机,应对冲击,强化自身的业务优势,资金优势,人才优势,吸收互联网的平台优势,拓展业务渠道,寻求新的客户群体,打造新型的线上平台,调整线下业务结构,加强银行的核心竞争力。4505

The rapid development of Internet technology and innovation have led to the development of the Internet finance,Internet financial with its advantage of convenient, low cost, high return received quickly by people . All kinds of Internet financial business model presented in the eyes of people, such as third-party payment, p2p credit platform, and crowd fun,marginalize the commercial bank's intermediary functions such as finance, carve up the bank's customers, business and financial market share, making commercial Banks profit space narrowing. In such a big background, the commercial Banks should actively cope with the impact of the Internet financial, strengthening its business advantage, financial advantage and talent advantages, and absorb the Internet platform advantages, expand their business channels, looking for a new customer group, tries to build up an online platform, optimize the structure of offline business, enhance the competitiveness of the bank.
This article first introduces the evolution of the Internet financial business model, from the early stage and development stage to introduce the evolution of the Internet financial business model, shifting from the traditional offline business of commercial Banks to online to rely on the Internet development of third-party payment platform, p2p lending, the evolution of the suggests, etc. In the face of the Internet finance development, commercial bank is facing enormous challenges, the mediation function of marginalization, credit and the impact of assets and liabilities business, etc. In such circumstances, the commercial Banks should avoid short-term behavior, adhere to the long-term development strategy, continuously optimized to adjust their business structure, optimize the service mode, active use of network platform to build their own financial ecosystem.  

Key words: internet finance;commercial bank;cross-border competition;network effect;business mode

目    录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、互联网金融商业模式的演进    1
(一)我国互联网金融的初级阶段    1
(二)我国互联网金融发展阶段    1
二、互联网金融对商业银行的挑战    3
(一)商业银行中间业务面临挑战    4 互联网金融模式的演进与商业银行的应对策略:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_1220.html