The Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Changes on China Trade
Abstract: As exchange rates of national currencies on the foreign exchange market mutual exchange is an important lever to adjust a country's international trade, balance of payments and the structure of imports and exports, capital inflows and outflows, the level of consumption, the price level, supply and demand, benefits and even resources in the world ,configuring the range which has played a very important role. In order to increase the country's economic strength, July 21, 2005, China began to implement a market-based, with reference to a basket of currencies, a managed floating exchange rate regime, so the RMB would be appreciated by 2%. Comprehensive reform of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism will have a profound impact on the future of China's import and export trade . In order to gain impact of changes in the RMB Exchange Rate on China's import and export trade with theoretical and practical significance ,we will analyze the exchange rate combined with the actual situation in China studies and reveal the impact of RMB Exchange Rate on China's trade balance and trade structure and propose appropriate policy recommendations based on it.
Key Words: exchange rates; trade balance; trade structure
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)写作的目的 1
二、汇率变动对进出口贸易影响的理论分析 2
(一)价格——现金调整机制 2
(二)乘数分析法 2
三、人民币汇率变动的决定因素 3
(一)人民币汇率变动的体制因素 3
(二)人民币汇率变动的经济因素 3
四、人民币汇率变动对我国进口贸易的影响 5
(一)人民币汇率变动对我国贸易收支的短期影响 5
(二)人民币汇率变动对我国贸易收支的长期影响 5
(三)人民币汇率变动对我国贸易结构的影响 6
五、应对政策建议 7
(一)积极扩大国内需求,降低外贸依存度 7
(二)调整我国产业结构,促进贸易结构升级 7
(三)合理利用我国充足的外汇储备,提高企业出口竞争力 9
(四)大力发展各种形式的对外贸易 10
(五)完善人民币汇率形成机制,促进人民币汇率制度改革 10
结论 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14
(一) 研究背景与意义
经济实力被认为是反映一国综合国力及综合竞争力的重要指标之一,而经济发展的水平又是衡量一国经济增长程度的重要反映。迅速发展的中国引起当今世界的关注,以经济实力迅速发展为代表的综合国力、综合竞争力的增强也成为中国国际地位提升的显著标志之一。作为拉动中国经济发展的手段之一——进出口贸易,为中国不遗余力的经济增长做出其应有的贡献,而衡量进出口贸易最重要的指标之一非汇率所属。 人民币汇率变动对我国贸易的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_15432.html