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时间:2023-04-03 20:05来源:毕业论文

摘要俗话说人多力量大,放到产业经济学中便可很好地描述产业集群的经济效应。在当今经 济全球化的大背景下,一个地区的快速成长往往与其特色的产业集群有关。产业集群的形成 通常是以一个主导产业为核心,大量与该产业联系密切的企业及其相关支撑机构在空间上集 聚,从而实现资源整合,形成独特、持续的竞争优势。88163

作为本文的研究对象杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区,其前身是上虞精细化工园区,目前正 处于转型升级的关键时期,如何在传统化工产业的基础上找准新的产业定位显得尤为关键。 本文正是以开发区的产业集群定位为探究的重心。首先,介绍杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区的 概况、现状及现有五大产业集群的发展现状和园区发展存在的问题,其次运用波特钻石理论 模型对园区的产业竞争力优势进行分析,并得出主导产业集群定位的相关结论,最后针对上 述存在的问题和定位提出建议。

As the saying goes, people are more powerful, can be a good description of the economic effects of industrial clusters in industrial economics。 Under the background of economic globalization, the rapid growth of a region is often related to the characteristics of industrial clusters。 The formation of industrial clusters is usually in a dominant industry as the core, a lot of the industry and the closely related enterprises and related supporting institutions gather in space, so as to realize the integration of resources, the formation of a unique and sustainable competitive advantage。

As the object of study in The Administrative Committee of Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Industrial Area, its predecessor is Shangyu fine chemical industry park, is now in a critical period of transformation and upgrading, how to identify the traditional positioning in the industry based chemical industry new is particularly critical。 This article is based on the development of industrial clusters as the focus of exploration。 First of all, the development status and situation of Hangzhou Bay Park, Shangyu economic and Technological Development Zone, the current situation and existing problems of the five industry clusters, followed by the use of the competitive advantage of the industry park of Potter diamond model analysis, and draw relevant conclusions leading industrial cluster positioning, and finally puts forward several suggestions to solve the problems and the existing location。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:产业集群; 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区; 主导产业;

Keyword: industrial cluster;The Administrative Committee of Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Industrial Area    ; prime mover industry


1 导 论 5

2 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区的产业集群研究 5

2。1 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区概况 5

2。2 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区发展现状 6

2。3 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区现有五大产业集群发展现状 6

2。4 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区发展存在的问题 7

3 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区产业集群定位选择 8

3。1 波特钻石理论模型应用 9

3。2 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区产业竞争力影响因素分析 9

4 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区产业集群定位发展的建议 12

4。1 明确发展的主导产业和优势产业 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区的产业集群定位初探:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_155522.html
