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时间:2023-06-13 22:53来源:毕业论文

摘要本文基于会展场馆当前盲目无序发展的现状,选取长三角地区 69 个会展场馆为例,通 过收集整理数据,并运用统计学方法,结合 ArcGIS 软件进行空间分析,得到长三角地区会 展场馆呈明显的集聚态势分布的结论,其会展场馆主要集中在上海、苏州、杭州等城市,其 他各城市会展场馆以苏州广电国际会展中心为中心点向外辐射分布,并逐渐减少。且会展场 馆的空间分布在一定程度上受到地理位置、城市环境、经济发展水平、政策法规环境、城市 设施设备建设等这些因素的影响。基于可持续发展的视角,本论文建议采取提前统筹规划会 展场馆的后续开发利用、各城市结合自身综合环境规划建设会展场馆等措施,使会展场馆得 到合理利用。89101

Abstract At present, the exhibition venues are developing with blind and out-of-order situation, taking the 69 exhibition venues of the Yangtze River Delta as an example, through the collected data, and the use of statistical methods, spatial analysis with ArcGIS software, this paper sum up that in the Yangtze River Delta exhibition venue was obvious conclusion potential distribution agglomeration state, mainly concentrated in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou City, the exhibition venues of other cities around the center of Suzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center distribute and gradually reduce。 And to a certain extent, the spatial distribution of exhibition venues are influenced by geographical location, urban environment, economic development level, policy and regulatory environment, urban facilities and equipment construction and other factors。 Based on the perspective of sustainable development, this paper suggests that we should adopt planning the continuous developments and utilization of exhibition venues in advance, and the cities should plan the construction of exhibition venues in consideration of its own comprehensive environment, and take other measures to make reasonable use of exhibition venues。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766

毕业论文关键词:会展场馆; 空间分布;长三角地区;ArcGIS;

Keyword: exhibition venues;the spatial distribution;the Yangtze River Delta; ArcGIS;

1 引言 6

2 文献综述 6

2。1 国内研究 6

2。1。1 会展场馆研究 6

2。1。2 长三角地区研究 7

2。2 国外研究 7

3 概念界定 8

3。1 会展场馆 8

3。2 长三角地区 8

4 研究方法及思路 9

4。1 可持续发展思想 9

4。2 ArcGIS 软件介绍 9

4。3 统计学方法 9

4。4 空间统计分析法 10

4。5 研究思路 可持续发展视角下的会展场馆空间分布特征研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_176822.html
