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时间:2023-07-13 22:39来源:毕业论文

摘    要P2P网络信贷模式自2005年始于国外,而后传入中国并发展至今,对推动经济的发展起到了重要的作用。但是P2P网络信贷平台作为一种新的民间借贷方式,在为用户提供便捷服务的同时也蕴含着风险。




Abstract:P2P online lending since originated from abroad in 2005,then introduced into China and developed so far。  Promote the development of the economy plays an important role。 However, as a new way of private lending, P2P network credit platform, while providing users with convenient services, but also contains risks

Lu Jin launched the P2P network lending service platform。 However, a variety of risks continue to appear, restricted the development of Lu Jin's P2P network lending business。 How to prevent the risk caused by a variety of factors, has become an urgent problem for Lu Jin to be solved。

This article with the status quo, the environment analysis, comparative analysis, decomposition methods of risk identification analysis, from the analysis of environmental risk, credit risk, management risk, policy risk four aspects。

Mining potential risk Lu Jin P2P network lending business, research, and specify risk control strategies and measures to prevent or provide solutions effectively reduce Lu Jin P2P network lending business risk, but also a good reference for the P2P network lending industry。

毕业论文关键词:P2P网络借贷; 陆金所; 信贷行为;风险控制


Keyword:P2P;Online lending;Risk management

目    录

一、引言 4

二、陆金所网络信贷平台概述 5

(一)P2P网络借贷的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 内涵 5

(二)上海陆金所介绍 5

(三)上海陆金所的发展历程 5

三、陆金所网贷公司信贷行为存在的潜在风险 6

(一)环境风险 6

1。1、同业竞争风险分析 6

1。2与人人贷的比较 6

2、间接市场风险分析 8

(二)信用风险 9

1、自身信用风险分析 9

2、借款人信用风险分析 9

(三) 管理风险 9

1、借贷模式风险分析 9

2、业务操作风险分析 10

(四) 政策风险 10

四、 P2P·网络信贷平台风险规避策略选择… 11

(一) 环境风险控制 我国P2P网络信贷平台风险管控研究陆金所为例:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_184939.html
