Abstract: Modernization, the textile industry can provide more jobs, continue to accumulate funds, therefore, the Internet + background of the development of the textile industry have a more comprehensive understanding in order to more effectively develop the development strategy。 Based on the theoretical knowledge of “Internet +”, this paper expounds the concept and main form of “Internet +”, discusses the development of Nantong textile industry, and analyzes the development of Nantong textile industry under the background of Internet。 Lack of knowledge, capital allocation polarization, lack of talent and other issues, the author based on their own knowledge to strengthen the understanding of the Internet + to promote industrial restructuring and optimize the allocation of capital, pay attention to e-commerce personnel training Nantong textile industry development proposals。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766
Key words: Internet +, Nantong textile industry, Transformation
1 引言 3
2 南通纺织业发展现状 3
2。1 纺织业产值及其所占比重 3
2。2 规模以上企业效益 4
2。3 出口总额 5
3 互联网+南通纺织业发展中存在的问题 5
3。1 对互联网+的认识不足 5
3。2 资本配置两极分化 6
3。3 人才缺乏 7
4 互联网+背景下南通纺织产业发展建议 8
4。1 加强对互联网+的认识 8
4。2 提供优质服务 8
4。3 注重电子商务人才培养 8
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
1 引言来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766 A
“互联网+”这个词首次出现在2012年11月于扬在易观第五届移动互联网博览会的发言中。而“互联网+”战略是全国人大代表、腾讯董事会兼CEO马化腾向人大提出的4个建议之一,马化腾解释说,“互联网+”战略就是利用互联网的平台、利用信息通信技术,把互联网和包括传统行业在内的各行各业结合起来,在新的领域创造一种新的生态。简单地说就是“互联网+XX传统行业=互联网+XX行业”,虽然实际的效果绝不是简单的相加[2]。当互联网+与纺织业相结合,整个纺织业将会产生前所未有的巨大变化。 互联网+背景下南通纺织业发展中存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_200832.html