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时间:2024-08-11 09:01来源:96345

摘  要:我国的经济发展已经进入新常态,资源环境瓶颈日益严重,发展绿色金融成为促进我国经济结构转型、获得可持续发展的必然要求。近些年,一系列国家经济政策的接连颁布,对我国区域绿色金融的创新改革发挥了不可或缺的深刻作用,也为绿色金融的长期发展开拓了广阔的发展前景。本文通过分析江苏省绿色金融的现状、面临的机遇和挑战以及对国外区域绿色金融发展经验的借鉴,列举了江苏省在探索绿色金融发展过程中采取的举措。通过对现状的分析,发现江苏在发展绿色金融方面存在的问题,提出了省级政府和社会各层面在应对出现的问题、促进创新发展方面的对策及建议。


Research on Regional Green Financial Innovation

——a case study of Jiangsu province

Abstract:China's economic development has entered a new normal state, resources and environmental bottlenecks become increasingly serious, the development of green finance to promote China's economic restructuring, access to sustainable development of the inevitable requirement. In recent years, a series of national economic policy promulgated, China's regional green finance innovation and reform has played an indispensable role, but also for the long-term development of green finance has opened up broad prospects for development. This paper enumerates the measures taken by Jiangsu Province to explore the development of green finance by analyzing the present situation, the opportunities and challenges of green finance in Jiangsu Province and the experience of foreign financial development in foreign countries. Through the analysis of the status quo, it is found that Jiangsu's problems in the development of green finance, put forward the provincial government and social aspects in response to the problems arising to promote innovation and development of countermeasures and suggestions.

Key Words:green finance;regional economies; innovation;sustainable development

目  录

0 引言 1

1 区域绿色金融的相关概念 1

1.1 绿色金融 1

1.2 绿色金融的种类 2

1.3 发展绿色金融的重要性 4

2 江苏省绿色金融发展现状分析 4

2.1 江苏省绿色金融发展现状 5

2.2 江苏省绿色金融发展存在的主要问题 7

3 江苏省绿色金融发展的机遇和挑战 8

3.1 江苏省绿色金融发展的机遇 8

3.2 江苏省绿色金融发展的挑战 9

4 国外区域绿色金融发展的经验借鉴 11

4.1 英国区域绿色金融发展经验 11

4.2 美国区域绿色金融发展经验 12

4.3 日本区域绿色金融发展经验 12

4.4 韩国区域绿色金融发展经验 12

5 江苏省创新绿色金融的建议及对策 13

5.1 从战略发展角度建立健全绿色金融法律法规体系 13

5.2 尽快建立和完善绿色金融市场体系 13

5.3 狠抓现有绿色金融政策的贯彻落实 14

5.4 鼓励绿色金融产品和服务创新 江苏省区域绿色金融创新研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204479.html
