毕业论文关键词:汇率传递 通货膨胀 VAR模型
Empirical Research on the Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate Pass-through and Domestic Inflation
Abstract:In recent years,with the continuous development of China's economic level,the impact of external factors to economy is also increasing in the increasingly opened economy environment. Among the rest, the influence of exchange rate changes to our country’s economy is increasing,and it appears that inflation goes up while the RMB is appreciating,which is inconsistent with the traditional economic theory. In order to explore the relationship between exchange rates and inflation,the paper establishes the VAR model, adopts sample data since the reform of exchange rate after the financial crisis and use co-integration test, impulse response function and variance decomposition for empirical analysis.The conclusion of the research is as follows: there is a negative correlated relationship between the RMB nominal effective exchange rate and the consumer price index,and the related degree in the second stage is more remarkable.This shows that exchange rate changes is significant to inflation transmission,and it is effective to curb inflation in China by raise the exchange rate.In the end,the paper puts forward relevant suggestions according to the results of the study.
Key Words:exchange rate pass-through; inflation; VAR model
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)文献综述 1
二、汇率传递的概述 3
(一)汇率传递的定义 3
(二)汇率传递的路径 4
三、当前我国通货膨胀问题的分析 5
(一)我国通货膨胀的现状 5
(二)我国通货膨胀的度量及其变动情况 5
四、人民币名义有效汇率与我国通货膨胀关系的初步判断 7
五、人民币汇率传递与我国通货膨胀间关系的实证分析 8
(一)变量的选取、样本数据来源及模型建立 8
(二)实证检验与分析 9
优尔、结论与政策建议 17
(一)研究结论 17
(二)政策建议 18
参考文献 20
随着当前全球各国经济发展相互影响的不断加大,中国作为国际认可的第二大经济大国,其在经济领域所发挥的影响作用不断加强,同时经济发展受到外部因素冲击的程度也在加深,在此过程中,汇率变动这一因素对我国经济的冲击日益加强。由于我国经济增长速度加快,在对外贸易中长期处于顺差地位的现状,使得国际上与我国有贸易往来关系的主要经济大国对人民币升值的叫嚣声甚嚣尘上,人民币在承受着较大升值压力的同时,我国经济也处在通胀水平不断上升的窘境。2005年7月我国实施新一轮的汇率体制改革,制定并开始实行以市场供求为基础的、参考一篮子货币进行调整的、有管理的浮动汇率制度 。这一制度使得因汇率突发性变动给经济带来的压力有所下降,汇率制度更具有弹性。值得思考的是,在人民币汇率逐步上升的过程中,出现了经典经济学理论难以阐述的反常现象——虽然人民币升值势头迅猛,但是我国的较高通货膨胀压力依然很大。这一现实情况与经典经济学理论提出的货币“升值抑胀论”相冲突。 汇率传递与通货膨胀关系的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_26957.html