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时间:2018-12-09 12:11来源:毕业论文

The Impact of Internet Banking on The Financing of Small and Micro Enterprises
Abstract:With the impact of the economic crisis, small and micro enterprises have been severely hit, and many companies are faced with the risk of financial difficulties or even collapse. However, small and micro enterprises are difficult to obtain stable financing because of the small size of the bank, which exacerbated their business difficulties. At this point, the development of Internet banking are able to solve the financing problems of small and micro enterprises to a large extent, and promote the healthy development of small and micro enterprises, and it are able to promote employment in china. Internet banking does not require cumbersome procedures and a series of advantages and play an important role in financing for small and micro enterprises. With the strong development of Internet banking, it will greatly promote the healthy development of small and micro enterprises and it also plays a pivotal role in promoting China's economic development. Therefore, the study of internet banking on the financing of small and micro enterprises is more and more popular.
Key words: internet finance;small and micro enterprises;financing
目  录
摘要:    4
Abstract:……    4
一、绪论    4
(一)研究背景与意义    4
1.研究背景    4
2.研究意义    5
(二)文献综述    5
1.国外研究现状    5
2.国内研究现状    6
二、 我国小微企业融资现状及分析    6
(一)小微企业的特点    6
(二)小微企业融资模式及现状    7
1.小微企业的内源性融资    7
2.小微企业外源性融资    7
(三)小微企业融资的影响因素    8
三、 互联网金融的模式    9
(一)互联网金融    9
(二)互联网金融的模式    9
1.P2P网络借贷    9
2.大数据金融    10
3.第三方支付    10
4.互联网金融门户    11
四、 互联网金融对小微企业融资的影响实证分析    11
(一)小微企业融资状况的描述性分析    11
(二)小微企业融资模式及现状P2P网络借贷对小微企业融资影响分析    11
1.P2P网络借贷用途    11
2.P2P网络借贷对小微企业融资效率的影响    12
3.P2P网络借贷与小微企业融资需求的相关性分析    13
(三)小微企业融资模式综合评价    13
1.模糊综合评判原理    13
2.模糊综合评判在小微企业融资上的应用    14
五、 结论    14
致谢    14 互联网金融对小微企业融资的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_27478.html