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时间:2019-08-27 19:51来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:电子商务 商业银行 问题 发展对策
 Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Development of Commercial Banks
Abstract: In recent years, in the informational technology background, rapid development of electronic commerce has had a major impact on people's consuming attitudes and has also played a huge role investment philosophy on social and economic development. Facing the trend of good prospects of e-commerce, commercial banks and electronic service for business has become irresistible trend. Therefore, the development of e-commerce is an opportunity for commercial banks, but also a challenge. This text emphasizes the study the application of e-commerce in the Commercial Bank, focusing first on the development of commercial banks and e-commerce background elaboration and analysis of significance, then around the basis of relevant e-commerce of the basic theory research, and other commercial banks outlined above, to analyze the situation of the development of commercial banking e-commerce. Secondly, by researching the important role of e-commerce for development of commercial banks, to further find out the sort of issues when commercial banks in the process of developing e-commerce, and summing up the four issues in the development process of commercial banks, as the e-commerce’s need of broadening the range of applications, profitability needs to be improved, the lack of competitiveness in the face of third-party payment platform, and the transaction security. Finally, SWOT analysis method is used to analyze the development of electronic commerce within China's commercial banks outside the strengths and weaknesses, and on this basis, China's commercial banks to explore measures for three aspects about the development of electronic commerce, as to establish a customer-centric customer-facing e-commerce strategy, to accelerate electronic business financial product innovation, to handle the competition and cooperation with third-party payment platform correctly.
Key Words:e-commerce, commercial bank, issue, development strategy
 目 录
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究意义    1
(三)研究思路    2
(四)文献综述    3
二、相关研究基础    4
(一)电子商务的含义    4
(二)电子商务的特征    5
(三)商业银行的含义    5
三、    商业银行的电子商务发展现状    6 电子商务对商业银行发展的影响研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_38365.html