毕业论文关键词:区域经济差异; 广东省; 产业升级; 经济结构调整
Abstract Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has made remarkable achievements. With the continuous development of society, some of the problems that exist in China's economic construction began to emerge. Affected by many factors, China is seeing a regional development imbalances, there is a big difference between the economic and industrial transformation and upgrading hampered by other issues. In order to promote economics better and stable and achieve rapid economic development, the successful implementation of industrial upgrading, this article will be of Guangdong Province for the study, analysis of the causes of differences in regional economic development in Guangdong, just how, under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, promoting regional economic structure adjustment, accelerate regional economic development, promote the coordinated development of regional economy in Guangdong, some useful discussion and proposed regional economic structure adjustment, promoting coordinated regional economic development proposals. While also analyzing the three major industries in Guangdong's economic development in the problems, conduct research for the case of industrial upgrading in Guangdong Province, providing advice and support for reference industrial upgrading.
Key words: Regional economic disparities; Guangdong Province; Industrial upgrading ; Economic restructuring
目 录
摘 要Ⅰ
㈠ 研究对象和内容1
㈡ 研究背景1
㈢ 研究意义1
㈠ 比较优势原理2
㈡ 要素禀赋理论2
㈢ 配第-克拉克定理3
㈠ 产业结构不合理 3
㈡ 生产要素结构不合理5
㈢ 技术结构落后6
㈣ 企业结构不合理6
㈠ 区域经济发展现状 7
㈡ 区域经济发展不平衡的原因 9
㈠ 产业结构调整和升级11
㈡ 要素结构调整12
㈢ 鼓励各地各行业创新13
参考文献 14
致 谢15
本次研究的对象是广东区域,广东省在划分区域时按照传统从地理位置和地区的经济特点,可以划分为四个经济区域,分别为:珠三角地区、粤东、粤西和粤北地区。珠三角经济区包括广州、东莞、珠海、深圳、佛山、中山、惠州江门、和肇庆;粤东地区指潮州、汕头、揭阳和汕尾四个城市;粤西地区指茂名、阳江和湛江三市;粤北地区指梅州、河源、清远、云浮和韶关五市。其中,粤东、粤西及粤北地区都是属于经济不发达的地区,这些地区的经济规模、经济增长速度、水平、素质与珠三角存在着较大的差距。主要的研究内容是广东区域内的经济结构和产业升级,了解区域间的相关的发展情况、存在的问题。 区域经济结构调整与产业升级的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_46299.html