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时间:2020-03-10 10:58来源:毕业论文

Abstract   As a manufacturing power, China has the congenital advantage, in contract manufacturing for many years with the demographic pidend, rich in resources and quality assurance are the very best to undertake international service outsourcing in manufacturing.Slow but in recent years, China's economic development, also is falling on manufacturing contracting, coupled with the fierce competition in developing countries such as India, China has lost its advantageous contract status, although the rise space is decreasing year by year, but the situation of China to undertake international service outsourcing manufacturing is not optimistic.Compared with India and other countries by China, opened a climax to undertake manufacturing outsourcing.China and India are the same as for developing countries, the development of the track is almost the same, but in the context of economic globalization, the other third world countries such as China and India on the ability to undertake outsourcing has obvious gap compared.
This article by the Chinese in undertaking international service outsourcing manufacturing development reason, the present situation of research shows that based on the results of the present study summarizes Suggestions to China's manufacturing service outsourcing, promote the healthy development of the economy and upgrading of industrial structure reasonable.
Keywords: manufacturing; Service outsourcing; Economic globalization; Development  policy
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
引  言    1
第一章  概述    2
第二章  中国承接国际制造业服务外包的现状    3
2.1国际情况    3
2.2国内情况    3
第三章  中国承接国际制造业服务外包面临的问题    5
3.1承接技术含量低,高级代工缺乏    5
3.2密集劳动力型承包能力下降    5
3.3出口经济受发达国家制造业本土回流影响较大    6
第四章  我国发展制造业服务外包国际比较分析    7
4.1中印比较分析     7
4.2对我国的启示    7
第五章  承接国际制造业服务外包对策    9
5.1政府方面    9
5.2企业方面    9
结束语    12
致谢    14
参考文献    15
    引  言
随着世界经济的发展和国际分工的明确,外包作为发达与发展中国家双赢的媒介迅速生长起来。外包是李嘉图的比较优势理论的完美展现,是发达国家在生产企业中为了保持组织的核心竞争力,解决人力或组织短缺的问题,把不属于核心的业务转手给外部的比如成本更加低廉的发展中国家的公司,达到减少企业的生产综合成本,提高产品的品质与利润,集中资源充分研发更高新的技术的目的。外包的出现给企业也给不同国家带来了新的发展方向,它不仅推动了国际优势的互补,也使得全球的资源得到充分合理的利用。随着我国制造业的发展,国际地位的不断增强,我国与发达国家的外交以及贸易水平有都着显著的提升,在加入WTO后,中国更是面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,承接外包是中国融入世界的机遇也是世界选择中国之必然。纵观历年我国在承接外包发展情况,虽有长有短,但依照目前中国在制造业方面所呈现出的现状来看,形势不容乐观。不仅本国实力存在欠缺,在承接方向上还不成熟,而且国际形势也日益复杂,在以美国为主导的发达国家组织下,对中国不利的贸易条约相继出台,中国不仅要在类似TPP等条约里涡旋,还要应对美国等国家提出的"制造创新国家网络”外包本土回流的冲击。现阶段,以印度为代表的新兴国家在承接国际制造业服务外包竞争中不断凸显,中国在渐渐丧失承接外包的主动权的同时也失去大量订单,这对于目前的中国来说无疑更是雪上加霜。中国离不开外包却又不再具备对外包的垄断实力,加之目前中国在承接国际制造业服务外包上又存在诸多问题,这使得中国在历史的发展中再次骑虎难下。多次实践中,我们得到了中国承接制造业外包丰富的经验与教训,为此,中国应该更加重视承接制造业服务外包的发展问题与趋势,这也是本文研究中国承接国际制造业服务外包的意义所在。 中国承接国际制造业服务外包发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_47999.html