Summary of Study on Transformation and Development of Rural Credit Cooperatives in Henan Province
Abstract: Services of rural credit cooperatives in Henan province and region to determine its General plays an irreplaceable role in Henan province, Henan province, also decided to study the importance of transformation and development of rural credit cooperatives. It was established more than 60 years has made a number of economies in transition, there are still many severely restricted the development of rural credit cooperatives in Henan province. In this research, SWOT analysis and comparative analysis of study methods, systematic analysis of the strategic transformation of the development of rural credit cooperative in recent years, Henan province, and made recommendations on its further development, so that the interpretation services of rural credit cooperatives in Henan province "three agricultural" purposes, realizes the Henan provincial rural credit cooperatives ' role in promoting socio-economic development.
Key words:Henan province rural credit cooperatives;The transformation and development ;SWOT analysis
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、研究背景与意义 2
(一)河南省农村信用社的发展历程与现状 2
(二)研究河南省农村信用社的转型发展的意义 3
二、河南省农村信用社的转型情况 4
(一)转型的必要性 4
(二)河南省农村信用社的转型方向 6
三、河南省农村信用社的转型发展的SWOT分析 7
(一)S——河南省农村信用社的转型发展优势 7
(二)W——河南省农村信用社的转型发展的劣势 8
(三)O——河南农村信用社的转型发展机遇 9
(四)T——河南省农村信用社的转型发展面临的威胁 10
四、河南省农村信用社转型发展的对策 11
(一)积极响应国家政策 11
(二)紧跟政府的指引 12
(三)多吸引农民目光不放松 12
(四)扩大影响力,树立品牌形象 12
(五)明确法律地位,进行经营调整 12
(六)完善产权制度,完整管理构架 13
(七)改革监管体制,扩大业务经营 13
参考文献 河南省农村信用社的转型发展+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_52993.html