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时间:2021-02-23 20:49来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文利用联合国贸易数据库中的相关数据分析得出:从1996到2013年,我国电机电器产品进出口贸易额增长了近25倍,进出口贸易份额也从占世界市场总份额的3.59%上升到了21.44%,其中我国电机电器产品的出口贸易也在不断增长。但从数据分析结果以及RCA指数和TC指数分析结果来看我国电机电器产品出口始终面临着以下几个主要问题:受国外市场影响较大、产品出口地区结构单一、各产品出口竞争力发展不均衡。所以本文最后提出了几个建议来解决当前我国电机电器产品贸易发展所出现的问题,一是要积极拓展新兴市场提高我国电机电器产品进出口贸易份额;二是要营造国内电机电器产品积极的竞争环境,引导企业良性竞争,提高我国电机电器产品出口国际竞争优势;三是需要政府政策支持与引导。63425


Abstract: Using trade-related data in the database of the United Nations concluded that from 1996-2013, China's electrical appliance products import and export volume increased by nearly 25 times, share of import and export trade has increased from 3.59% per cent of total world market share to 21.44% and electrical appliance products in our country's export trade is growing. But from the results of data analysis as well as RCA and TC index results to see the motor electric product export has always been faced with the following problems: affected by overseas markets, product export structure, export competitiveness development uneven. This paper concludes with several recommendations to address the current trade development problems China's electrical appliance products, one is to actively develop new markets to improve motor and electrical products import and export trade in China; the second is to create a positive competitive environment domestic electrical appliance products, and guide enterprises to competition, and improving international competitive advantages of Chinese electrical appliance exports; the third is Government policy support and guidance is needed.

Keywords: electrical appliance products, export competitiveness, revealed comparative advantage index (RCA index), trade competitive index (TC index)

1  前言 3

文献综述 3

3  我国电机电器产品对外贸易发展现状 4

4  我国电机电器出口竞争力分析 9

4.1  显示性比较优势指数 9

4.2  竞争优势指数 13

5  结论与建议 17

5.1  结论 17

5.2  建议 17

参考文献 19

致谢 20

附录 21

1  前言

    本文研究的电机电器产品也就是海关HS分类第85章下的各项产品。电机电器产品是我国对外贸易最活跃的产品之一,2013年,我国电机电器产品进出口贸易总额达到10015亿美元,占全国对外进出口贸易总额的24%。1996年我国电机电器产品进出口贸易总额才391亿美元,而到了2013年进出口贸易总额增长了近25倍,并且进出口贸易总额所占世界总进出口贸易总额的比例也从3.59%上升到了21.44%,其中出口额也从1996年的201亿美元增长到了5623亿美元,出口增长率提高了近26倍,且总体保持上升的趋势,但是我国电机电器产品贸易增长速度却波动起伏较大,电机电器产品贸易出口尽管保持上升趋势但受国外市场影响较大,产品出口地区结构单一,产品的国际竞争力发展不平衡。为了解决当前电机电器产品贸易发展中的问题,进一步提升我国电机电器产品出口的国际竞争力,为以后电机电器产品发展提供决策依据,本文利用联合国贸易数据库中1996年到2013年我国电机电器产品的贸易数据,通过RCA指数和TC指数来研究分析我国电机电器产品出口的国际竞争力情况。 我国电机电器产品国际竞争力研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_69898.html
