关键词 光伏产业 股票价格 影响因素
毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
Title Analysis of Factors Influencing Chinese Photovoltaic Industry Listed Companies’ Stock Price Fluctuation
Abstract With the changes of macro economy and international policy situation, Chinese photovoltaic industry has experienced the great turning point of high-speed development and rapid deterioration in just a few years. Photovoltaic industry development situation has affected the enterprises' operating conditions, and changes in fundamentals of listed companies make stock prices fluctuate accordingly. This paper introduces general situation of the Chinese photovoltaic industry listed companies and stock price fluctuation, uses the method of combining the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, establishes the multiple linear regression model of listed companies' stock prices and financial indicators, and does an empirical study on the relationship between the photovoltaic industry listed company's profitability, cash flow, solvency, operation ability, growth ability and the stock price. This paper also takes a stock (HT-SAAE) as an example to analyze the influence of macro-economic situation at home and abroad, industry policy and other factors on the photovoltaic enterprises' share price fluctuations. In the end, based on the result of the analysis, this paper puts forward some suggestions on stock investment decisions of investors.
Keywords Photovoltaic Industry Stock Prices Influencing Factors
1 引言 1
2 文献回顾 3
3 中国光伏产业上市公司概况及股价波动情况 4
4 实证研究 7
4.1 变量的选择 7
4.2 财务指标说明 7
4.3 样本数据说明 8
4.4 模型的参数估计、检验与改进 8
4.5 2010-2012年样本数据的回归分析结果比较与分析 12
5 个股分析:以航天机电为例 14
结 论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
1 引言
光伏是太阳能光伏发电系统的简称,是一种利用太阳电池半导体材料的光伏效应,将太阳光辐射能直接转换为电能的一种新型发电系统。中国光伏发电产业从20世纪70年代开始,90年代中期进入平稳发展时期。2000年后,我国光伏产业发展速度加快。2003-2005年,欧洲光伏市场的蓬勃发展带动了中国光伏生产能力的快速增长。而2005年无锡尚德成功登陆纽交所所带来的创富神话更是激发了国内光伏产业投资的热潮。2006年,我国成为世界第三大光伏电池生产国。2008年,我国光伏电池年生产能力达到100万千瓦,是世界第一大光伏电池生产国。 中国光伏产业上市公司股价变动影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_70858.html