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时间:2021-05-23 17:29来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:知识产权; 国际贸易; 知识产权保护 

Analysis on the measure of the intellectual property on international trade in China

Abstract: In the era of information economy, the impact of intellectual property on international trade is increasing rapidly. Now, IPR(intellectual property protection) has been a hot spot that many countries focus on. Meanwhile, after China entering WTO, the rapid growth of economic globalization and the coming of knowledge economic era made some trade frictions. However, for below reasons: our country do IPR later than some developed country; people have weak awareness in IPR; ‘TRIPS’ has huge differences with old terms of China law in IPR, some developed countries use its superiority in IPR, continuing to strengthen the protection level of intellectual property and then make it an intellectual property fortress, which make our country a weak position in IPR. For the weak position in IPR, our country often suffer unfair in intellectual property rights dispute and our national industry has difficulty in developing. Thus studying Chinese problem in IPR of international trade has important meaning in the healthy and sustainable development of our foreign trade and economy. This article is mainly analyzing the situation and problem of our country’s IPR and according to these problems, the writer try to give some solutions. 

Key Words: intellectual property; international trade; intellectual property protection 


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景 1

(二) 研究目的和意义 1

(三) 研究内容 1

(四) 研究方法 1

二、相关理论分析 3

(一) 国际贸易概述 3

  1、 国际贸易的定义 3

  2、 发展国际贸易的意义 3

(二) 知识产权概述 3

  1、 知识产权与知识产权保护的定义 3

  2、 知识产权保护的现实意义 4

  3、 国际贸易与知识产权保护的关系 5

三、 我国国际贸易知识产权保护的现状及问题 7

(一) 我国国际贸易知识产权保护现状 7

  1、 我国国际贸易发展现状 7 我国国际贸易知识产权保护现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_75454.html
