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时间:2022-03-27 11:34来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  供应链金融 中小企业  融资  风险识别 风险度量 案例分析

Title  Research on the Credit Risk Assessment of Commercial Bank Supply Chain Finance           

Abstract Since the 2008 financial crisis, social and economic challenges are facing huge economic bottlenecks and sustainable development of the test。 As a result of excessive financialization,the financial crisis finally makes a financial bubble to burst, and the finance slowly went back to the road of supporting industrial。In today's social economy,small and medium-sized enterprises no doubt gradually become the indispensable important pillar of social and economic development。They will play a key role in the whole social economy。 Limited to small and medium-sized ,the bank credit of them is not high。 It is different to raise money 。Commercial bank supply chain finance business arises at the historic moment。 This article is pided into eight chapters。The first chapter talks about the purpose of selecting this topic ,the background and the related literature review;The second chapter and the third chapter mainly introduce the related concepts and the main business model of supply chain financial analysis; the fourth and fifth chapter shows the business risk identification and  measurement in the supply chain finance and the risk-control measurement 。The last chapter is a summary of this article and suggestions。

Keywords  Supply chain finance Small and medium-sized enterprises   Finance Risk identification  Risk measurement  Case analysis

目   录

1 绪论 1

1。1研究背景及意义 3

1。1。1 研究背景 3

1。1。2 研究意义 3

1。2国内外关于供应链金融的研究现状 4

1。2。1商业银行供应链金融简介 4

1。2。2我国商业银行供应链金融的几种运行模式 5

1。2。3商业银行供应链金融的优势 5

1。2。4商业银行开展供应链金融业务面临的困难 5

1。2。5降低规避供应链金融中的风险措施和途径 5

1。2。6目前存在的信用风险评价模型 5

1。3研究思路和框架 6

1。4研究方法 7

2相关理论和方法概述 8

2。1供应链金融含义 8 商业银行供应链金融信用风险评价研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_91657.html
