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时间:2022-07-17 20:18来源:毕业论文



Study on the effects of foreign direct investment on China's international balance of payments

Abstract: This paper presents researched situation of outward foreign direct investment based on investment scale of outward foreign direct investment, industrial distribution, and location and investment problems in development。 According to the past more than 10 years our balance development, it can summary status of the development of China's international balance of payments。 Then this paper analysis of foreign direct investment on China's balance of trade, the impact of returns projects, capital projects from a theoretical perspective。 In order to better study the impact of foreign direct investment on China's international balance of payments, using regression model to carry out Empirical analysis and summary results of the empirical analysis, that is the 对外直接投资 has an impact on current account and capital and financial account, relatively the impact on the capital and financial account is large。 At last, it proposed some suggestions for China's outward foreign direct investment from the perspective of Government and Enterprise。 For example, broaden the channels of foreign direct investment, treat investors equally, improving foreign direct investment policies。

Key words: Foreign direct investment, International payments, Trade, Capital projects

目    录

摘  要: 1

Abstract: 1

一、 我国对外直接投资与国际收支的现状 2

(一)对外直接投资的现状 2

(二)我国国际收支的现状 5

二、 对外直接投资对我国国际收支的影响 6

(一)对我国国际贸易的影响 7

(二)对收益项目的影响 8

(三)对资本项目的影响 9

三、 对外直接投资对我国国际收支影响的实证分析 9

(一)数据来源与变量设定 9

(二)用EViews进行模型分析 10

(三)分析回归结果 12

四、 对我国对外直接投资发展的建议 13

(一)既要“引进来”也要“走出去” 13

(二)加快完善对外直接投资相关政策 14

(三)加快培养大型跨国公司并完善企业管理机制 对外直接投资对我国国际收支的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_96661.html
