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时间:2018-06-13 17:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:手机游戏  自主独立原创  知识产权保护   
Development of China's mobile phone game industry
Abstract:Game industry is an important branch of industry emerging cultural industries, and mobile gaming industry is the industry's cutting-edge games and favorite. The biggest difference is that the traditional game industry, mobile phone game industry is relying on the mobile terminal hardware devices, rely on the support of mobile Internet technology, research and development operations, providing products and services of the new game format. China's mobile game industry has just started to grasp the opportunities and industrial operations management, such as industrial development, there are still insufficient awareness of the short life cycle of industrial operations, product content and form of a lack of innovation, as well as issues such as IPR protection is not enough. Stage to accelerate the industrial development of China's mobile phone game, should focus on improving the degree of strategic importance to strengthen the government's industrial policy guidance and support, increase investment, and enhance the ability to seize opportunities, focus on the value of the surrounding industrial mining, improve the industrial chain, strengthen intellectual property protection, and insist on autonomy and independence to improve other aspects of the original.
Key words:Mobile Games ; Autonomous and independent of original ; Intellectual Property Protection
 目  录
一、绪论    1
二、研究目的和意义    2
(一)研究的目的    2
(二)研究的意义    2
三、课题的研究现状    4
(一)已有的研究成果    4
(二)尚未解决的难题    5
四、我国手机游戏产业发展现状及存在的问题    7
(一)我国手机游戏产业发展基本状况    7
(二)我国手机游戏产业发展目前存在的问题    8
五、我国手机游戏产业发展策略建议    10
优尔、发展预期分析    12
七、总结    13
致  谢    14
参考文献    15
附录一    17
(一)手机游戏的概念    17
(二)手机游戏的分类    17
(三)手机游戏的特点    17
附录二    19
(一)手机游戏《扩散性百万亚瑟王》简介    19
(二)手机游戏《扩散性百万亚瑟王》运营概况    19
(三)案例分析    20
    随着互联网技术的不断进步和智能手机的普及,我国移动互联网行业取得了长足的发展,手机已经成为人们不可缺少的通信设备,为人们的生活带来了巨大的便利。手机游戏开始逐渐成为人们娱乐的项目之一,手机游戏市场呈现出良好的发展势头。然而手机游戏产业如何进一步发展、壮大,则需要企业管理者对该行业具有系统而全面的认识,掌握游戏行业的发展模式和盈利问题。 我国手机游戏产业发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_17715.html