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时间:2022-10-23 21:31来源:毕业论文

摘要在各类以实体产品为依托的 O2O 平台之外,“服务技能类”平台正在悄然崛起, 这将是一场巨大的变革。随着自由职业者越来越多,并且中国正在由简单的模仿、再 制造大国,转型为拥有核心技术的创新国家。所以,各类拥有专业技能的人才显得尤 为重要。然后在生活中,一些技能拥有者也可以为人们带来乐趣,提高生活质量。所 以诞生了一批专注于提供技能或是出售时间的平台,对接有需求的客户。个体的知识 交易具有很大的社会价值,每个人都可以将自己的知识、经验等转换为商品在网络平 台上出售,获得相应的报酬。84801

本文研究的是一个自主开发的基于 PHP 语言网站的设计与功能实现,我取名为 “咖蒲网”,以下所有内容均围绕此网站展开。


(1)基本功能。本开发网站有多个页面,包含首页、任务列表、商城、店铺列 表、成功案例和资讯中心六大主页面。在这些页面中,用户登录、用户注册、发布任 务、参与任务、发布商品、购买商品和搜索等功能为主要功能,本网站均已实现。

(2)会员个人中心。用户注册成功之后,即成为本网站的会员。会员的个人中心 包含账号设置、买家管理、店铺管理和我的消息等界面与功能。

(3)后台管理。本网站的后台包含管理员登录、快捷操作、全局配置、资讯管 理、任务管理、商店管理、财务管理、用户管理、站长工具、应用中心等界面与功 能。

本网站实现了“互联网+服务”的战略,让需要服务的用户解放自己;让能人把自 己的时间技能换成实际收益,同时改变了大学生“老死不相往来”的同学关系。

毕业论文关键词:咖蒲网;O2O 服务平台;咖蒲网系统分析;网站设计

Abstract Apart from all kinds of O2O platforms based on physical products, a sort of platform dependent on "service skills" is quietly rising, which means a huge change。 With there being more and more freelancers and China is transforming from being a country strong in simple imitation and remanufacturing into an innovative one having the core technology, all kinds of talents with professional skills are in an urgent need。Then, in daily lives, people with some kinds of skills can also bring forth pleasure, improving the quality of lives。 So some platforms focusing on providing skills or selling the time for people who have such demand occur。 Inpidual knowledge trading has great social value, and everyone can turn their knowledge and experience into goods sold in the network platform to get the corresponding reward。

this theis focuses on the design and implementation of functions of a website based on PHP language named KaPu。 All of this paper is about the website。 following are the realized functions of the website:

1)Basic Function。 The website KaPu has six main pages: home page, task list, mall, store list, successful cases and information center。 among all of the pages, the main functions include users register, users login, release tasks, join in tasks, buy goods and search for things。

2)VIP Center。 Users automatically become VIP of the website after registering。 The VIP center includes pages and functions such as account settings, purchsers management, stores management and my news。

3)Back-stage Management。 the back-stage of the website KaPu includes such pages and functions as administrators login, shortcut operation, global configuration, information management, task management, financial managemeny, users management, webmaster tools and application center。

As a network , Kapu Website has realized the strategy of "Internet plus Service", making people in need of such service release themselves, letting people change their time and skills into actual benefits, and at the same time, changing the relationship developed by modern people that men are completely isolated from each other all their lives。 PHP的O2O服务平台的网站建设:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_100901.html
