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时间:2018-03-13 14:00来源:毕业论文

关键词  个性化 推荐 GPS定位
With the advent of the era of 3G and 4G, mobile terminals in our daily life can reflect a growing role.Meanwhile, people are increasingly dependent on them.When the concept of the urban computing have been proposed,when mobile terminals and the information infrastructure are in combination with each other,we can get a lot of geographic information.By using statistical analysis and data mining,we can obtain valid and available data from the information data.Based on this, there have been a large number of recommendation system applications appear in the mobile Internet.
Recommendation system is used in the situation of information overload, and do information filtering.By identifying and estimating user preferences,the system can provide users with personalized service.A good recommendation system will not only provide users with personalized service, but also can establish a close relationship with the user and make the users have deep dependence on the system.
This location recommendation system——GTW is based on Android.It uses Baidu Maps API for GPS positioning,uses SQLite for data storage, uses a minimum SDK version 2.1.
Keywords  Inpiduation  Recommend  GPS positioning
 目  次
1. 绪论    1
1.1. 项目背景    1
1.2. 研究目的及意义    1
1.3. 毕业论文组织    2
2. 开发环境及关键技术    2
2.1. 开发环境    2
2.2. 关键技术    3
3. 系统需求分析    4
3.1. 系统概述    4
3.2. 可行性研究    4
4. 系统设计与实现    5
4.1. 系统总体设计    6
4.2. 功能模块设计    6
4.3. 功能模块实现    7
5. 开发问题及解决方案    15
5.1. 已解决的问题    15
5.2. 未解决的问题    17
6. 推荐系统测试    18
6.1. 定位功能测试    18
6.2. 酒店推荐功能测试    19
6.3. 搜索功能测试    20
6.4. 路径功能测试    21
6.5. 个性化推荐测试    21
6.6. 签到测试    22
6.7. 测试结果分析    23
结论    24
致谢    25
参考文献    26
 1.    绪论
1.1.    项目背景
21世纪以来,科技发展日新月异,与此同时,世界各地的城市化程度越来越高,人们的生活水平日益提高。然而,这一切的发展也使得本已资源紧缺无比的地球,更面临人口扩张、城市规模扩大所带来的巨大压力。在这种资源紧张,压力巨大的境地中,城市计算的概念被提出并受到了人们的广泛关注。 基于Android系统的位置推荐系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_10972.html