摘 要: 本系统开发的目的是用计算机技术完成对日常图书和用户信息进行管理,实现图书信息文护工作的系统化、规范化和自动化,从而极大地提高工作效率和准确率。系统采用目前比较流行的B/S编程模式,用SQL Server 2005作为数据库;在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005实现系统开发平台下用Asp.net技术实现系统开发。本系统主要功能包括:书目搜索、读者管理、图书借阅和归还管理、管理员管理等。
关键词:图书馆管理系统;B/S模式; SQL Server2005;ASP.NET
The Design and Implementation of
Library Management System Based on Asp.net
Abstract:This system is developed to finish daily work of book information management by computer technology, and book information maintaining can become systematic, standardized and automatic, therefore, it can greatly improve the system efficiency and accuracy. The system adopts currently popular B/S programming model, with SQL Server 2005 as the database server, for programming language with C#; in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform use Asp.net technology to finish system development. The system functions mainly include Library lists searching, library lending and returning management, administrator management and so forth. Moreover, system is divided into several functions as different rules, accordingly it can be settled for teachers, students and administrators demand.
Key Words:Book Management System; B/S Module; Asp.net; SQL Server 2005
The Design and Implementation of
Library Management System Based on Asp.net
Abstract:This system is developed to finish daily work of book information management by computer technology, and book information maintaining can become systematic, standardized and automatic, therefore, it can greatly improve the system efficiency and accuracy. The system adopts currently popular B/S programming model, with SQL Server 2005 as the database server, for programming language with C#; in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform use Asp.net technology to finish system development. The system functions mainly include Library lists searching, library lending and returning management, administrator management and so forth. Moreover, system is divided into several functions as different rules, accordingly it can be settled for teachers, students and administrators demand.
Key Words:Book Management System; B/S Module; Asp.net; SQL Server 2005
随着社会的进步、图书馆规模的不断扩大,图书的数量、图书的种类、信息量也日渐增多。如果使用传统的人工方式管理,本文来自优尔/文(论"文?网,毕业论文 www.youerw.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文从而增加人力及图书馆的运作和控制管理。而信息技术的广泛应用,数字化管理的优势日趋显著。针对中小型图书管理系统发展落后的情况,为了提高工作效率、规范管理、科学的统计和快速查询,对图书进行统一集中管理,实现一个系统化、科学化的图书馆管理系统。实现图书的迅速检索、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大等优点,这样能够极大地提高工作效率,大大降低成本。
1.1 选题背景及意义
基于这些问题,有必要建立一个图书馆管理系统,使图书管理工作规范化、系统化、程序化,避免图书管理的随意性,提高信息处理的速度和准确性,能够及时、准确、有效的查询和修改图书情况。图书馆管理人员还可以对读者们的借阅过程形成一整套动态的管理。从而使图书查询和借阅变得更加方便快捷,工作效率得到明显提高。 ASP.NET的图书管理系统设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_11.html