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时间:2023-01-08 17:28来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词: 工程项目管理;B/S架构;Django框架;MySQL

Abstract  Although the computer has infiltrated people's life, the majority of enterprises gradually use computer to manage the enterprise business, there are still many small and medium-sized enterprises use Excel or duplicate regulations books to record client project’s information。 It wastes extra time。 The reason of develop the small and medium-sized enterprises’ project management system is to help enterprises manage their internal personal information, foreign project regulations systematically, which also improves the utilization of the time and effort。

The project management system using B/S architecture, Python language, Django framework and MySQL database。 The system consists four modules: (1) Account Management module: the group administrator can add, modify, delete other accounts, add pages’ permissions to account; (2) Project module: creating or deleting projects and adding the sub modules according to business enterprise; adding delay information, daily and weekly records of project progress。 (3) Company’s affairs module: including daily meeting records, the company's internal staff can login in to apply for leave information。 (4) Configuration management: it can manage the information of the storage project category, type of contract, chargers’ information of the project, customers’ connection etc。

The advantages of this system is in set different administrators to manage the system, management authority is clear, and people carry out their duties, so that company project management can be more effective。 

Keywords: Engineering Project Management; B/S Architecture; Django framework; MySQL


第一章 绪论 2

1。1 项目工程管理系统的开发背景 2

1。2 工程项目管理系统的发展目标 2

1。3 工程项目管理系统开发的目的和意义 2

1。4 工程项目管理系统的优点 2

1。5 工程项目管理系统的经济效益分析 2

1。6工程项目管理系统存在的问题及解决办法 Django和MySQL的小型企业工程项目管理系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122059.html
